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The future of doom 2....

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Its getting so damn hard to find a copy of doom in stores these days. So, with the new doom comming out (next year if where luckey) I move to start a campain to get id software to release the doom series on the new doom cd. This way newcomers can dive into that old school doom experience. Whos with me here?

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they should offer in for free download, along with some of their older games like keen and wolf. anyway i would like to see that. dont get excited about next year it will most likly be 2 years at min maybey 3, but we may see a public alpha

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The least they can do is make ultimate doom public domain, and distribute it in magazines. PC Gamer this month has full version of Duke3d, and they had Descent for free about a year ago. They put up the source for Doom, might as well put up the rest. They're probably not making that much more money on it either. Oh well... maybe when Doom 3 comes out.

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6 months before the new Doom is out ID could earn a lot by releasing all 3 earlier versions at a cut price of say $10 on a cd , with a huge ad campaign tied to the new Doom with hopefully, by then, some demo of it

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Guest fragg
sephiroth said:

they should offer in for free download, along with some of their older games like keen and wolf. anyway i would like to see that. dont get excited about next year it will most likly be 2 years at min maybey 3, but we may see a public alpha

John Carmack told Boot magazine (now MaximumPC mag) 3 yrs ago that a good way to kill even the best game is to keep working on it too long.
Because if you cook it too long, when it finally comes out the technology (graphics cards, CPU's etc.) is more advanced than the game was designed for.
And the result is the game looks kinda dated, kinda old, from Day One.

He said that speaking for himself 18-24 months is the target date he always aims for in a game.
He considers its important, very important, that he aim for that window and stick with it even if he has to cut some features.

He said if he goes to 30 months, he can still succeed in getting big game Sales, but feels that he would really be taking a chance it might not sell all that well.
It could, but it might not.
So he trys real hard to hit the 18-24 window.

Not sure, but I think it was around last June, he began Doom-3.
Do the math.

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Guest fragg
fodders said:

6 months before the new Doom is out ID could earn a lot by releasing all 3 earlier versions at a cut price of say $10 on a cd , with a huge ad campaign tied to the new Doom with hopefully, by then, some demo of it

Fodd, you said...
"6 months before the new Doom is out ID could earn a lot by releasing all 3 earlier versions at a cut price of say $10 on a cd, with a huge ad campaign tied to the new Doom..."

A great idea, real neat!!
It would rekindle Doom interest in old Doomers and introduce newbys to Doom!!
Sales of D3 would be higher.

I'll bet Id has already thought about this. They'll prolly do just that. It would be a real smart Marketing move.

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Well I think new players of the game would need about 6 months to learn the ins and outs of it, perhaps if ID included an internet addition, perhaps including zdaemon and zdoom on the cd to show beginers how much fun DM can be...... could be cool :)

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Guest fragg

That would be nice boost for the guys who built these new engines, would be real recognition.
They'd be proud as punch, and it would inspire more guys to do engine work.
Good idea.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
elbryan42 said:

The least they can do is make ultimate doom public domain, and distribute it in magazines. PC Gamer this month has full version of Duke3d, and they had Descent for free about a year ago. They put up the source for Doom, might as well put up the rest. They're probably not making that much more money on it either. Oh well... maybe when Doom 3 comes out.

That idea is ridiculously good! They should distribute the DOOM Games including the goddamn master levels which I want my fuckin hands on!!

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The master levels were an awesome compilation of the worst wads seen to man. You arent missin anything buddy.

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Guest RTC Marine

It would be interesting to see this happen in new zealand, cause so many people have tried to get doom 1 on cd, that they have payed huge amounts of money just to get the original copy of the game. I would love to see this happen!

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
Ralphis said:

The master levels were an awesome compilation of the worst wads seen to man. You arent missin anything buddy.

I was referring to the 20 very detailed levels for DOOM 2, not Maximum DOOM Stupid!

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