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Oy vey, here we go again.....................

Guest PFCRon

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Guest PFCRon

Stone me if you want when I post this, but I just have to do this. I'm not trying to start that Top 10 craze again, just deciding to inform you guys of my update. Ever since I got ZDoom, my Wad choices have become more broad, meaning I have the advantage of looking for more. Anyway, my list of favorite WADs had been updated to the following (not many changes):

1. Dimensions of Time (Doom 2)

2. AfterDoom 2: Deep Space Persuit (Doom 2)

3. Perdition's Gate (Doom 2); a great megawad!

4. Aloha 999 (Ultimate Doom)

5. Cube (Zdoom/Doom 2)

6. Death Tormention 1 (Ultimate Doom;replaces episode 4 a.k.a Thy Flesh Consumed)

7. Boomtown (ZDoom/Doom 2)

8. Steps version 2 (Doom 2); On that WAD one the death sounds is replaced by the Doom guy sayin "Thank you, and FUCK YOU!"

9. The Twilight Zone (Doom 2)

10. Trails of Desruction (Doom 2)

You all don't have to tell me your favorite WADs, but if you want to, post them here and I would like to know where you got them (no ftp's please, they all say 'forbidden' when I go into them). Until next time, keep DOOMing!

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You have to see these Doom 1 levels, if you haven't already:


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Guest PFCRon

You got ridden of that bad case of PFCScabies you got from that The-widow-maker's testicle I threw in your coffee yet?

/me takes me oversized 14 foot and shoves it up Macvillewhore's Arch-Vile ass, then pulls it out just to make sure it doesn't get burned

Now, would you care to rephrase that sentence so it makes sense? I don't see what what's wrong with this post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You got ridden of that bad case of PFCScabies you got from that The-widow-maker's testicle I threw in your coffee yet?


Where have you been?

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