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PSX Sounds

Guest Mr Plough

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Guest Mr Plough

Does anyone know where I can get a wad with the playstation sounds in?
Or N64 Sounds, as they are more or less the same.

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try my ftp, under the doom replacement sounds directory. the zip is called "Console Sounds Wad (by esco).zip". Check out the rest of the site too!

IP: doom.wrong.button.com
user: doom
pass: doom
max 5 users

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Try my version called "psxsnds.wad" located in my folder.
(Look at signature for location)
Try some others out in the ftp as well and see which one you like best.

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Guest Mr Plough
elbryan42 said:

try my ftp, under the doom replacement sounds directory. the zip is called "Console Sounds Wad (by esco).zip". Check out the rest of the site too!

IP: doom.wrong.button.com
user: doom
pass: doom
max 5 users

Thanks, they rock!

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I know Corey Whittle's ICD-DDF wad uses sounds from the Playstation version of Doom, requires EDGE though. (Both kick-ass anyways, why not get 'em?)


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