Zeratul 982 Posted April 23, 2001 This is the second time it's done this. I play a wad on ZDoom for a while and out of nowhere, the animation freezes and the sounds screw up. When I attempt to end task, I don't see the 'end task' window. Sometimes I have to hard reset the computer. One time I finally see the end task window and tell it to quit ZDoom. Once it quits, I get that annoying 'illegal operation' error which says that something called "mmtask" has basically screwed up. Like I said, this has happened twice now. Is it a problem within ZDoom and it may have to be reinstalled or what? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 23, 2001 Which version? I used to get bizarre crashes until I went back to v1.22 and I haven't had a crash since. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted April 23, 2001 1.23 beta What? Is there a problem with it? Speaking of which, here's another. When I open it up now, the midis won't play. Could that "mmtask" thing have to do with the midis? Meaning could one if the m's stand for midi? I had this similar problem with DOS Doom (I was in DOS mode editing with DCK) when a midi with many notes playing at once, especially "echo" notes. Example: Momento Mori 2 - "...And Hell Beneath" It would freeze with the sound screwed up and then crash. ZDoom crashed the 2nd time when the midi for "The Spirit World" was playing. That couldn't have done anything to it. Maybe it has nothing to do with ZDoom, but with that file? I never saw that error before anyway, so I would never know. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 23, 2001 Could be a midi problem screwing everything up. If it's not too far out of the way you should see if you have anything running silently in the background that controls the midi (like wingroove or christmas lights) and kill it, even maybe take another step out there and reinstall the drivers for your soundcard. As for the betas... well... that's why they're betas. =) If they were 100% bug free they wouldn't need betas would they? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted April 23, 2001 There is no "wingroove" on here. If you're referring to a program like Winamp playing something, there isn't anything running. That's probably not what you're talking about. So what are you trying to tell me here? When the error came up about "mmtask," specifically, something called "mmsystem.dll" screwed up. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 23, 2001 Well.... what I meant is... did this USED to work for you? If this USED to work but now recently doesn't... what have you done to your system recently that would've caused it? You could always just try zDoom v1.22 instead, see if that one functions for you... but I think you have a problem with your midi if it's crashing the vanilla exe too... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted April 23, 2001 I just edited the previous message right before your reply came up. I added that when the 'illegal operation' error came up, something called "mmsystem.dll" screwed up specifically. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 23, 2001 I've never had any trouble with my mmsystem.dll (if I even have one, if I do it's behaving fine). Try reinstalling your Sound Card software. Get it from their website, ie http://www.soundblaster.com 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted April 23, 2001 I have a Crystal SoundFusion soundcard, so now what do I look for? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 23, 2001 Hmm, Yahoo is giving me a bunch of new systems that include that soundcard and a bunch of message boards of people griping about issues with it. Go figure, ne? ;) I've never heard of the damn thing... do you have any documentation on it? Update: Aha! That's the AC97 onboard sound built into motherboards! See if you have a driver in Windows. I'd help you further with that but I need my sleep. If Windows doesn't have decent drivers for it try running searches for: AC97 drivers Crystal Sound Fusion Drivers See what comes up. Good luck kiddo. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted April 23, 2001 Try setting your sound output to "dsound". Type this into the console: snd_output dsound 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted April 23, 2001 deadnail said:Which version? I used to get bizarre crashes until I went back to v1.22 and I haven't had a crash since. The betas use a different sound "thingy" than v1.22, FMOD. If that's why ZDoom crashes on your comp, looks like you'll never be able to use a new version :( 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 23, 2001 Zeratul 982 said:I just edited the previous message right before your reply came up. I added that when the 'illegal operation' error came up, something called "mmsystem.dll" screwed up specifically. SYMPTOMS You may receive random general protection (GP) fault error messages in Mmsystem.dll. You may also receive one of the following error messages: Rundll32 - This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Rundll - This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. Clicking the Details button reveals a message similar to one of the following: RUNDLL32 caused a General Protection Fault in module MMSYSTEM.DLL RUNDLL caused a General Protection Fault in module MMSYSTEM.DLL at 000a:00000032 This error message is more likely to occur after you use the Add New Hardware tool in Control Panel. CAUSE This problem can occur if the "drivers=mmsystem.dll" line is missing from the [boot] section of the System.ini file. RESOLUTION To correct this problem, follow these steps: Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the System.ini file. Add the following line to the [boot] section of the file: drivers=mmsystem.dll Save and then close the System.ini file. Restart your computer. 0 Share this post Link to post
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