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Fodders: About system.ini

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I didn't get the illegal operation errors about rundll32 or rundll. I got one about mmtask.

I'm looking at the system.ini file right now and that line you mentioned is not missing. It reads "drivers=mmsystem.dll" but it also had "power.drv" in front of it.
Also under the [drivers] section, one of the lines reads "midi=mmsystem.dll" which pretty much proves that they're related in some way. Are the midis screwing up the drivers or something? I'll say again that a midi was playing both times before ZDoom crashed.

The first time it happened was when I was playing map01 on my wad. I was shooting at a pain elemental with a super shotgun and everything just stopped along with the sounds looping, but the midi was still playing. A midi from the wad "Biowar" was playing at the time.

The second time was when I was playing map11 on my wad. I was shooting at a good amount of monsters with a rocket launcher until the very same error occured. That was when I used the "end task" function and saw that illegal operation error about "mmtask". The midi for Doom 2 - "The Spirit World" was playing.

Something similar also happened when I was on DOS Doom a couple of times. The midi for "...And Hell Beneath" on Momento Mori 2 was playing ok for a while until I heard a demon's "sit" sound. The game froze and crashed.

Then again after saying all that, I don't think there is anything wrong with the midis playing, because I always play a couple from Wintex or Winamp and have no problem. Also, I don't think there is anything wrong with my wad, because other people have played it and had no problems, and I'm almost sure that at least one of those people played it using ZDoom 1.23 besides me.

So what do you think is going on and how do I correct it?

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Well you DID say "specifically, something called "mmsystem.dll" screwed up." Obviously if as you say it's ok in system.ini, it's not that
checked irq's of drivers for sound card? It's not one I am au fait with so can't help a lot there :(

In my system.ini it reads "drivers=mmsystem.dll power.drv"
you say yours has power.drv 1st?
Also look in ctrl panel>multimedia>midi tab, see what is set under midi

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fodders said:

In my system.ini it reads "drivers=mmsystem.dll power.drv"you say yours has power.drv 1st?

I did say that, didn't I? Must be a typo. It looks just like what you said yours looks like.

As for multimedia > midi, I did take a look at that yesterday. 'Single Instrument' is selected and this it what it shows:

Crystal SoundFusion(tm) FM
SoundFusion(tm) External MIDI
:...External MIDI Instrument

I have no synthesizer hooked up on here or any MIDI interface software installed.

(Look at "zdoom.cfg or zdoom.ini" post...I THINK I found the problem...?)

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