Guest RTC Marine Posted April 25, 2001 elbryan42 said:I contributed my "Awesome Quality!" Music: PSX Doom, PSX Final Doom, Doom 64, & PSX Descent. As well, I added the PSX only Doom sounds to complete the console sounds Esco started. I made wads of the PSX & PC MP3s as well. Lastly, I put all of my Doom stuff & more onto the FTP, which has really caught on. I even have toons on there. I know how hard it is to find toons, especially full series & good quality. Hmm... that's all I can think of right now. I would like to thank everyone for contributing to both Doomworld & my FTP! Once I get more HD space, it'll be even better. By the way, the total is 4 gigs now. a bit of shit i haven't finished, oh well, least ive contributed something: The UAC Outpost The UAC Outpost II (Unfinished) TrueDooM (Unfinished) Grr and some other shit thats available on my website :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Grul Posted April 25, 2001 Eight levels (Actually a few of them were good), and a couple of articles on the Up-And-Coming (UAC) page. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted April 25, 2001 Actually, I haven't done anything for the doom-community. Well, I have some unfinished projects on my pc (...I have an intro for a doom-flash-site I wanted to make)... But that's about it. Oh, I forgot, I suck at Level-editing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest pickle_hammer Posted April 25, 2001 Uh... some unfinished wads The doomserv sound pak Doomserv crap Bothering people Spamming, flaming, etc 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest kristus Posted April 25, 2001 I made a TC. "Hyena" (not available anymore) Some DM levels. Some Singel levels. Weapon GFX for projects that never seem to be finished. (Doom Resurrection, Doom Eternity) Beta testing of Doom Legacy (and nagging on SoM and Hurdler to add features I want ;) Beta testing of Skulltag CS potion. (Very fun indeed ;) (Currently on) Ni'mrod PC Twice Risen Doom Eternity Doom Resurrection 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted April 26, 2001 Yo, ya'll peeps have done some seriously tight work up in dis piece. Even pickle mallet has contributed some crap! :P Nice to see so many of ya'll peeps out there still doing yo thing, despite all da criticism dat doom be gettin' and shit (yes, even you nightmare! :P ) So keep up da good work, keep it real, and keep doin yo thing! FUCK ALL DA DOOM HATERS OF DA WORLD!! LET THEM SUCK YO DICKS!! DOOM IS DA BOMB, AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!! AND DAT'S MAH WORD!!! Peace out, ya'll. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 26, 2001 I've made alot of deathmatch levels. I've also started at least 30 different projects (tc's, pc's) but i never finished any, hence my signature. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 26, 2001 Fanatic said:Good question! HacX -three levels, sounds, sprites, textures, Dehacked code, playtesting. New Breed, BreedDM, ROKS, ROKS Rocket Arena, QDOOM, endless hours of DOSDoom and EDGE troubleshooting and getting new features added to the engine for coders, RTS Online (EDGE script editor), and endless hours of assisting absolutely anyone in the community with anything DOOM related. Fanatic OWNS ME! 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 26, 2001 fraggle` said:smmu, textmode doom, wadptr, a few levels that sucked, #doom ops, doomserv hacks, csdoom backdoor discovery This is the perfect opportunity for an insult. But, i have nothing to say. 0 Share this post Link to post
Afterglow Posted April 26, 2001 Linguica said:* Level 3 of AOD-DOOM (the bad level) * Worked on the ill-fated ID4DOOM * Started the whole Doom news idea with the Functional Entropy Doom news page * Founder and webmaster of Doomworld * Original idea, site design, research, interviews, previews, site maintenance, promotion for 5 Years of Doom * Defended Doom during the whole Columbine thing * Map07 of Gothic99 (the bad level) * Put John Stossel's head into Doom as an enemy for a Nightline report on Columbine * Ran the 10 Sectors WAD contest and compiled the levels into megawads Those are the big things I guess... Gothic99, HAHAHAHA (sorry) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Stealthy Ivan Posted April 27, 2001 I have been leading Team Asphix since 1996. We have made a shit load of wads over the years, some of them have made it out to the community, and some of them have not. Our Team is suffering of a loss in members, but we are still working on a finishing a last project. 0 Share this post Link to post
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