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elbryan42 said:

and the 42 is from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, meaning the answer to life the universe and everything

I coulda sworn it was 13. A lot of people say 13.


Name's Steve Dudzik, I'm gonna be 20 in 4 days on April 30; WOOO! Hopefully I'll get the complete Das Ich CD collection.

About me? Well... alright - well, uh, basically, I've raised myself since day 1 because my "parents" are so damn incompetent and fucked in the head. I always got into shit situations cause of them and the way they thought everything "should" be (you know, if something didn't go their way they ignored it, so I didn't get along to well with people during elementary school because I didn't know how). But after that I figured out a little philosophy: everything they do is wrong. And to this day, if I do the exact opposite of what they would do in any situation, things go down all well and good. That's why I kinda think they're evil. IT NEVER FAILS!! It's the craziest thing.

Well, everything was cool since 8th grade, I finally got a ton of friends and those creeps started letting up (would you believe they didn't let me watch Airplane in 8th grade!? [this isn't to say I never went over to other friend's houses to do the usual shit - my neighbor even let me and some friends watch stuff like John Waters movies in 6th grade ;) Pink Flamencos anybody? ])

Anyways, everything's been relatively cool since high school. Had a little mess up my junior year; signed a confession for the school officer that I shouldn't have and, even though he promised only a suspension, changed his mind after-the-fact and I spent 2 weeks in a ward (probably the most fun I had that entire year ;) ) But other than that, high school was pretty kickass. I should tell you about our German teacher Dr. Zamir but
that would take a novel to do. I'm working on a Dr. Zamir fanclub with some old friends from school so it'll be mentioned on The Barnacle when it's done. It's kinda in the style of the old Cliff Yablonski fanclub, except it's based on a real person.

I joined the Army when I graduated but only lasted about 2 months because they found out about that hospital visit (my recuiter hid it on the registration forms because he agreed with me it was BS and had no business being told) and they ended up giving me honorable discharge :| (Everybody told me never trust a cop, but I guess there's a first time for everything). So since that time back in '99 I've kinda been bumming around. I had a job designing websites at one point early last year (www.tuckpointing.com is the most recent I did) and I pulled in about $10,000 from that in the 2 months I spend doing it. Still need to get another job doing stuff like that; but after having that one, my salary requirements are a little higher. Haven't done college yet though, so that could be a slight obstacle. I'd eventually be a consultant but I am too lazy to look into the legal aspect of the thing. (If anybody wants to do it for me, go ahead :P )

I work at Northwestern University at the moment as one of those "tech" guys although all I do is make fun of people with my boss and his co-worker. People are so stupid I won't even go into it. It's about as good as an office job can get. I just hate computers, that's all. Beats bagging groceries at Jewel or Dominicks though.

I try and do music in my spare time, but I need a personal tutor for all this ridiculous music software and MIDI keyboards and crap. I pay over $200 for one program and the lousy piece of shit doesn't come with a manual (just a CD and registration card in the box.) How stupid is that? Things are just too much of a ripoff though, 90% of the stuff you buy doesn't do what it's supposed to or requires a college degree to operate, so that's what keeps me from doing anything inventive with the stuff I have already. It's a lot more than most people have but I'm helpless with it.

As if I even had time to try and figure it out working 10-14 hours each day. Things suck a good deal, I'm almost to the point of going to college and worrying about the shitload I'll owe them just so I can have 4 years of not worrying about major finances.

Anyways, I ended up with at least a goal to keep me going; I figure I can do a good job with raising kids (I've actually done a lot of stuff with kids) and I figure once I have the money I'm gonna adopt one. I mean, you ever see those parents walking around public places just yelling at the kids the whole time, like "don't touch this, don't look there"...? They're almost afraid to get along with the kids because of what other people would think about that. Parents like the ones who filed that silly suit against the entire entertainment industry are who I'm talking about. They're everywhere. THEIR KIDS AREN'T SAFE IN THEIR HANDS! Well, uh... yeah. I know how it sucks without parents or with bad parents so I kinda feel for those kids who get stuck in group homes. It's like watching so much potential go to waste. It kinda started out like Big Daddy syndrome but I was dumb enough to look at some of those photolistings they post all over and got into the serious aspect of it. I always thought I'd do good with kids, but never wanted one of my own because I can't stand babies. If anything pisses me off more than driving an hour to work or computers with Microsoft operating systems, it's babies. Then I realized if you adopt 'em, you get to chose ones who "come equipped" with interests and vocabulary and stuff (I gotta be able to talk to 'em!) I'm thinking one who's 7-8 would be cool, 'cause they can talk and clean themselves but are still in desperate need my unique approach at parental guidance ;)

Another guy is in with me on this (no we're not gay, we're just planning to be housemates because by ourselves, since neither of us could afford a good home) and he's up for it too... so that'll be scary; if anybody knows me and him for anything it's being complete lunatics. I think I was the only person in my school to get kicked out of every single elective class I took :| Of course I've settled down a bit now but it was still fun doing war with some of the crazy teachers we had. We were only like that to the ones who couldn't take pranks. We tried to loosen them up a little but it never worked.

If I get hired part time at the University (I'm on an hourly contract right now) I'm pretty much gonna live outta the office for as long as I last there. I could use the extra two hours each day that I'd save by not having to drive to and from work.

Maybe I'll even finish some Doom stuff one of these days.

Good enough for now?

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Hmm. This really is a wonderful idea, even if I've never seen most of these people. Where to begin?

My name's Katarhyne Lynn Stone, and I'm soon-to-be 18. I live in Nederland, Texas, a little shit-town just east of Beaumont, Texas, which is about an hour east of Houston.

A lot of people comment that I'm not a very normal person. That's okay, my entire life has been abnormal. I think I'll pull a Lut here and ramble on for awhile.

When I was born, I was a very strange-looking child, even for a newborn. I was bright red, blood-red, as my skin was literally transparent. Still is, actually. Also, I was born with a heart defect resulting from my unique condition, Turner's Syndrome. About 99% of babies born with Turner's Syndrome die within one week of birth.

Normally, girls are born with two X chromosomes, and boys are born with an X and a Y. I was unlucky enough to be born with only one X. I'm wholly female, obviously, but unfortunately (or fortunately, for some of you sickos out there), I'll never grow up - I'll never go through puberty. I'm stuck four feet tall and flatchested for the rest of my life. Add on top of that albinism, and...well, it's not hard to understand why I'm not normal.

That's why I prize the internet so much. Here, I can talk to people without being judged automatically. I hated school. Noone wanted to talk to me. Noone even wanted to be associated with me. So I withdrew - I discovered machines and never turned back.

I love machines. All types - especially cars, guns, and computers. It's a very male trait; odd, considering my rampant femininity, but nevertheless, I've never cared for people. I guess that's why I'm such a bitch sometimes on these forums and on the comment threads. Forgive me if I've hurt your feelings. I really am a nice person, if a bit cliquey.

I love to help people, too. Some of you have benefited from my assistance (like Herr Heinemann), and already know that, but don't hesitate to ask me a question, especially about anything hardware. I enjoy shop talk.

Getting back to my life - I hate my parents. And then, of course, I'll be hypocritical and say that I'm daddy's little girl. But honestly, my parents don't know how to love me. It's not their fault; I'm a freak, I understand that. But they've never made me feel loved. Nor my brother. Why?

Because, well, to be blunt, we're rich. We're loaded. We're fabulously wealthy beyond your wildest dreams and damned if we can't fix a problem by throwing money at it, at least, according to my parents. And that includes familial obligations, like being affectionate with your children.

Family life in our home has always been awkward. None of us get along, save my brother and I, (and there's six of us in the house) because our relationships are just too awkward. My father sits around, works (he works perhaps 60 hours a week, since he works out of home, and doesn't care to see any of the rest of us, apparently), and drinks beer. Occasionally, when he gets really drunk, he decides that it's time to show his dear sweet daughters and sons how much he loves them and gets all maudlin, but...::sighs:: It's all fake. My mother keeps to herself as well, at home, usually either out in her garden, or reading, but she goes out a lot, too, alone, or even with other guys sometimes. My dad doesn't care - he never has. I think my mom has even put nude pictures on the 'net.

My older brother Michael and my older sister Chelsea (fraternal twins, just like my brother Zak and myself - another oddity of our family) tend to ignore me. I'm the archtypical 'bratty kid sister' in their eyes, and perhaps, sometimes, I am, but I still wish they'd either A) move out or B) be a little friendlier. You know, act like we're siblings, not roommates. I'm not very close with them at all, and that's not helped by the fact that they're 10 years older than I am.

My twin brother Zak is about the only person in my non-internet life I really give half a damn about. He's my fraternal twin, and he's about the biggest potsmoker in Texas, but, he's still a sweetie. He's probably gonna start hanging around here and in #doom more often, now that he's kinda moving away from his druggie friends and more towards our mutual computer-geek friends.

Anyway, if you think I sound interesting, IM me or something (AIM: Katarhyne) sometime. Or come find me on OPN. I'm shy in person, but online, I'm pretty brazen. ::smiles::

Maybe one of you can still my perpetual boredom for a few minutes.

From Texas with Love,


You know, it occurred to me later that I hadn't really said anything about gaming and my likes and dislikes and such. Hmm. I like techno music, the harder the better (especially gabber/speedcore/terrortrance and such - http://www.mp3.com/hyperdriver is my favorite band), and I like metal and rapcore, too, but really, I like all music to varying degrees.

As far as gaming and related stuff, I enjoy all 3Dness, whether they be 3D action games (Quake3, UnrealTournament) or 3D world simulations (Half-Life, System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Black and White), or even 3D Winamp plug-ins. I love 3Dness.

I've always enjoyed the thought of virtual reality. I used to read usenet newsgroups through a BBS here locally, and I eagerly anticpated the release of Doom, even back in 1993. I was only, what, 11? Gah. I preordered it from iD software, and I remember vividly how excited I was when it came in. I grabbed the light brown packaging, tore it apart, removed the treasured and long-awaited version 1.1 commercial diskettes, and installed it on my computer. I tried to set it up for my Advanced Gravis Ultrasound, but...well, that wasn't working, so I had to default to my Sound Blaster 16. That computer was a 486DX2/66Mhz with 16MB of RAM. I loved that machine. That machine was the only reason I even made it through middle school - it and the 386/40Mhz before it. And, of course, Doom ran like a dream.

Doom scared the piss out of me. Literally. I'll never forget the first time I ever played E1M8 and...well, let's just say I had an accident.

And of course, before Doom (and even afterwards, for some of these), it was Wolfenstein, and Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, and Captain Comic, and Zork, and Kroz, and ZZT, and Jazz Jackrabbit, Traffic Department 2192, Dark Ages, Tyrian, Linewars (and the sequel), Epic Pinball, Fire Fight (much later, actually), Laser Squad, the myriad AD&D games, both gold box and '3D' versions, Catacombs 3D (much earlier), and...ahh...Commander Keen, of course, and I can't ever forget One Must Fall: 2097. What about Infocon's great Battletech games, or Mechwarrior? Such nostalgia.

Anyone here ever play Princess Maker? The second one remains one of my favorite games of all time.

Anyway, enough of me pining for the golden age of DOS and shareware. As far as my involvement in the doom community goes, I've never done any maps, graphics, or anything, that's been released. I've done a ton of sound replacements and .deh patches, but none have seen distribution. I even re-did all the sounds in Immoral Conduct, since the ones they have suck. Bad. My uncle owns a gun shop. I know what guns sound like. Those aren't guns. (well, some of them aren't)

Oh, and disregard the picture of me here on doomworld. I keep telling lingweesa to take it down, and...gyeh.

Did I get it all this time?

/me it up.

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Guest DykeAtana

Call me whatever the fuck you want... I've been known as DykeAtana (rarely), Kinoshkana (more often), Kaidi Echitra, or Ashuime Rainflower (both of those latter are on MARP... go play arcade games!).

Those who think they know me call me Matt Denham.

Those who really know me... well, they know what I would rather be called. It will not be spoken in the presence of the heathen.

I'm 19, from Bend, Oregon, which is right in the ass MIDDLE of nowhere. Biggest city for 120 miles. 50k or so people in town, another 50k within 10 miles, and NO-FUCKING-THING worth doing most of the time. I play M:tG (4000 cards or so), arcade games, and Doom (on occasion). My real hobbies are programming and swearing my ass off (in case you haven't noticed).

Sorry, no odd genetic conditions... that I know of. (Wouldn't be surprised if I'm XX male, though. God knows I can pull off a female imitation well enough without practice...)

If you've read about Kat (hugs! lots of hugs!), I'm almost exactly the opposite. Our family is just this side of the poverty line (I work in fast food part time and I'm making about half what my mom makes), I love my parents (and they love me... otherwise I wouldn't still be living at home), and I'm NOT terribly mechanical. I'm more on the spiritual/philosophical side of things.

Anyway, I have nothing more to say.

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Katarhyne said:

Haven't ever seen you here. On the behalf of everyone, welcome to Doomworld Forums! Not too many girls around here. Nice to know that not only guys know computers, games, & such.

Check out the ftp, you might like some stuff on it. Think Doom is creepy? Try it with the PSX or N64 music (both done by me, of course)! Doubles the creepiness. Also, check out Esco's console sounds. For the best Doom experience possible.

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Hey everyone. My real name is Simon, um, tonnes of info about me is on the page link below. If you are too lazy to click there then I am 20 years old, doing Science / Law, and just lost my drivers license... pfft.

I haven't been posting much stuff recently, but I always check DW and keep up to date with the forums.

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elbryan42 said:

Haven't ever seen you here. On the behalf of everyone, welcome to Doomworld Forums!

Before anybody else says it rudely, she's been here since the start ;)

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sorry... don't go to the other forums much. just the general forum for me. keeps things simple. i'm an idiot.

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Katarhyne said:

//Esco finishes crying and wipes da tears off his face//

Yo, dat be some real shit, girl! I feel yo pain kid, on da real!
Props to you girl, you gots mad heart!

Well, let me be da first... er, second ta say.... WELCOME TO DA THIRD RING OF HELL, HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAA!!!
But, we like to call it..... da general forum!

Haven't seen ya around more than once or twice though, ain't you usually in da doom3 forums?

Oh well, nice ta meets ya kitty kat! Stay strong, girl; don't let da haters bring you down!

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Katarhyne said:

And next time on As the Earth Spins... Just kidding, wow, that's a very interesting life you've got there. Your story is very touching. I do feel that some in some parts the truth was surely stretched. There's no way your brother could be the biggest pot smoker in Texas, some of the people I know here in McAllen... But I guess I can let that slide since you don't live in McAllen. Of course, reading your post, I see that we would probably never get along, because while 3D is ok, 2D ROCKS!!! LONG LIVE PAC-MAN, AND DIG DUG, AND BURGERTIME, AND MARIO, AND ALL OTHER 2D GOODNESS!!!!! I'm sorry, I seem to have gotten a little carried away. Hey everybody, I just got a great idea: let's all work together to make a web page dedicated solely to the great shareware games of times long since past. I think it's a wonderful idea, but I'm so lazy that I could never be in charge of something like that. It's like the Dead TCs page I want somebody to do. Speaking of which, maybe I could do it, but I don't have any info on any dead TCs. Rambling on, hey Katarhyne, do think it's possible you could send me some of your dehacked patches. I live for that kind of stuff, and I'm always on the lookout for cool new dehacked patches. Besides, Dehacked is about the only Doom-editing skill I really have (and that's been replaced by DDF, which I'm currently attempting to learn, but Dehacked is just easier for me). Well, that's all I have say (yeah, I know it's short), remember this important quote, "The ziggy duck shoots moon loops at an anxious spleen."

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Guest fraggle`

and sopwith!!

btw check out:


a little project i'm working on... ;)

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Guest CyberSquirrel
elbryan42 said:

Haven't ever seen you here. On the behalf of everyone, welcome to Doomworld Forums! Not too many girls around here. Nice to know that not only guys know computers, games, & such.

Check out the ftp, you might like some stuff on it. Think Doom is creepy? Try it with the PSX or N64 music (both done by me, of course)! Doubles the creepiness. Also, check out Esco's console sounds. For the best Doom experience possible.

Hi, Dave Jessop aged 17 from England. I'm into Doom (obviously), and listen to the likes of Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Guns N' Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and that kind of thing. I'm also a complete freak.

Anyway, you're right, it's apparently not just guys that like Doom. It's guys and, don't get me wrong here but I hate PC crap, genetic freaks. No offence meant, but hey, these things happen. Oh, and can we get a picture of Katarhyne just after birth uploaded somewhere? That sounds kinda cool.


Jeez, what do I have to do to promote a bit of controversy around here? Everything above the line has been up for a day already. I accuse the unfortunate of being genetic freaks, then ask for pictures of them. For christ's sake, someone should be flaming me by now!

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Linguica said:

I am Jack's total lack of surprise.

Sounds bad, but really it's good.

- Save 60 dollars a week
- Keep my hearing a bit longer
- Stuck at home and forced to study for exams
- Have to ride bike a bit so get fitter (not that I am unfit :-P)
- Pay all the people back that I always drive since they'll have to drive me


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Cool, the name is Brian Goodsell
white hair (or something close to it)
Blue eyes
I live on Long Island, NY
A Surburban Punk with no car
Rides a 4 1/2 foot long skateboard around
I like toast

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esco said:

don't let da haters bring you down!

Hahaha. That reminds me of Neil from "The young ones"

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esco said:

//Esco finishes crying and wipes da tears off his face//

Yo, dat be some real shit, girl! I feel yo pain kid, on da real!
Props to you girl, you gots mad heart!

Well, let me be da first... er, second ta say.... WELCOME TO DA THIRD RING OF HELL, HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAA!!!
But, we like to call it..... da general forum!

Haven't seen ya around more than once or twice though, ain't you usually in da doom3 forums?

Oh well, nice ta meets ya kitty kat! Stay strong, girl; don't let da haters bring you down!

Kat's purely old sk00l, she just doesn't post a lot :)

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well this is pretty neat, I'd like to 'spill my heart' too, but it'll take me some time. I'll keep you informed for when I'm done :)

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elbryan42 said:

Haven't ever seen you here. On the behalf of everyone, welcome to Doomworld Forums! Not too many girls around here. Nice to know that not only guys know computers, games, & such.

Check out the ftp, you might like some stuff on it. Think Doom is creepy? Try it with the PSX or N64 music (both done by me, of course)! Doubles the creepiness. Also, check out Esco's console sounds. For the best Doom experience possible.

/me pets kat_

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Katarhyne said:

Damnit Kat don't be silly, you're not a freak, you're a lot more normal then most of the people round here.

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Chief said:

Sounds bad, but really it's good.

- Save 60 dollars a week
- Keep my hearing a bit longer
- Stuck at home and forced to study for exams
- Have to ride bike a bit so get fitter (not that I am unfit :-P)
- Pay all the people back that I always drive since they'll have to drive me


y not run, or Lift heavy weights

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(Arrgh - deleted most of my post by accident - editing seems to be dangerous)

My name is simply Peter Heinemann.
I never choose a nickname, for what reason ever (maybe I am to shy or it is because I felt no need for it. I live in Germany, in a little suburb. Most of you will know me as a nasty Mac preacher :-D

I start playing Doom in 1996 when it came out for the Macintosh. Despite there is the great editor "Hellmaker" on the Mac (OK, I quit) I have not finished any wad project yet. But the spring holidays are nearing and I will try to finish something using of my weird ideas.

Hobbys (besides Doom):
Making 16mm films with no concept
Collecting and building card models (cut-off stuff)
Upgrading and fiddling around with Macs
Joywalking across the city dump (where lots of older Macs can be found)
Playing the oboe
Hearing english baroque music! (John Blow, Henry Purcell, etc.)
Collecting free time for all this

+ (:-) completing my graphic design studies.

Age: Well, 34 years - not married and stuff.

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Katarhyne said:

"Fraeulein" Kat, thank you for calling me "Herr" :-)

P.S.: I also love the Zork series, the text based episiodes and the newer one Return to Zork

BTW: I bought a new Mac a few weeks ago :)

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Shaviro said:

Hahaha. That reminds me of Neil from "The young ones"


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elbryan42 said:

Haven't ever seen you here. On the behalf of everyone, welcome to Doomworld Forums! Not too many girls around here. Nice to know that not only guys know computers, games, & such.

Check out the ftp, you might like some stuff on it. Think Doom is creepy? Try it with the PSX or N64 music (both done by me, of course)! Doubles the creepiness. Also, check out Esco's console sounds. For the best Doom experience possible.

No need for welcome kat to Doomworld forums.
She is a forum veteran
hint: the "user?" button

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Gee, the combined talents of this forum could take over the world..... or make a really cool 32 level Doom2 WAD, whichever.

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CyberSquirrel said:

. For christ's sake, someone should be flaming me by now!

We are having a quiet moment, but the bomb is in the post

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Guest deathwarrior
Chief said:

Hey everyone. My real name is Simon, um, tonnes of info about me is on the page link below. If you are too lazy to click there then I am 20 years old, doing Science / Law, and just lost my drivers license... pfft.

I haven't been posting much stuff recently, but I always check DW and keep up to date with the forums.

Are you with IPrimus? Heh.

VIVA LA TELSTRA CABLE!!! *cough cough*

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fodders said:

Brian Rayner 49, a little village in England called Little Lever
The nick is FOD because when I bought my son his 1st modem he joined a BBS with the nick Dominator, so when I joined I picked FOD Father OF Dominator, his mother took MOD Mother Of Dominator and his sister never did like HER name :)
His page is at http://www.geocities.com/dominator00_uk/

Oh? I always kind of assumed F.O.D. came from the popular abbreviation for Fuck Off and Die...oh, well.

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Guest Dest-X
Ralphis said:

My name is Ralph Vickers. I'm 13. And i live outside Philly.

My name is roy, im 16, I live in Tauranga, New Zealand. I have been in the community for over a year now, been using these forums since april last year, and I HATE YOU ALL

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