Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 25, 2001 Dest-01, don't bother trying to stop me from re-opening DOOM Funnies after I finish the first part of my Strategy Guide site, or else you shall be reported to id Software for using their graphics in your game DOOMLand. Do not try to stop me! I will bypass your annoyances! 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 25, 2001 WTF?! Are you somekind of moron? Dest does not want doom funnies to continue, that's why he closed them down. Stop being a complete jerk and come to your sences. This will in no way help anybody. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jon Posted April 25, 2001 fair enough you being an asshole, but don't waste ID's time, because it makes the rest of us look bad. 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted April 25, 2001 Why don't you just call it something else, like Doom Amusements or Doom Retards or something? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 25, 2001 NiGHTMARE said:Why don't you just call it something else, like Doom Amusements or Doom Retards or something? That's what I was thinking, I'm calling it: The Greatest Games Menace: The Funnier side of the best FPSs, RPGs, Doomers, etc. However, If you want Dest-01's comics, you must agree to the following in the license? Dest-01's comics should not in any way be: Sold for resale; Putting it on your Web Site; Putting it in any magazines, newspapers, etc.; attempting to continue Dest-01's DOOM Funnies where he left off; Use any pieces of it for your TCs. You should buy DOOM Instead; In other words, you may only use them for your own enjoyment. You have been warned. I will not be held responsible for any incidents involving those comics, so don't do it, or else! 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 25, 2001 Shaviro said:WTF?! Are you somekind of moron? Dest does not want doom funnies to continue, that's why he closed them down. Stop being a complete jerk and come to your sences. This will in no way help anybody. Heh. He's dumber than me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 25, 2001 I went by your profile, and man Dest-01 really hates you, so I've decided to show you: Real name: Ralph vickers Species: Raetardium (vomituotious) Age: 13 Occupation: Doom Mapper, eternal retard Special abilities/Attacks: Immaturity Ray, faggot beam Weakness: My superior intelect URL: Ralphis World Now, I met Ralphis (named as "Duke Nukem" back then) in the Doomworld forums, My first post EVER in there Was flaming him, for being an asshole about something, a few days later I apologised, he did not accept, than i found him in #doomroom, on efnet (IRC) we became friends, and I joined Unidoom, his clan of mappers/DMers. Slowly, within a 3 month time, our friendship deteiorated, he started assembling an army of nazi- "Roy haters" consisting of himself, and his little brother, Quite pathetic. the hateful convesations have proceded for weeks, he has tried to send me trojans/viruses etc, in the form on calcultaors/pinball games etc. his Retarded efforts have failed miserabily. Even after all this, I still think ralphis can be a good guy, his immaturity is his major letdown. Level on the Dest-o-meter: 25% Dest-01 is really a badass towards you Ralphis. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 25, 2001 As far as i can read it's the other way around. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 25, 2001 Shut up Maonth. It's true! I found it in Dest-01's stuff site so shut up! 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 25, 2001 Um, i know he put that there you crackhead. I talk to him EVERYDAY on irc. And i want you to note in the end he said im a pretty good guy. I guess you are just blind? 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 25, 2001 Cacodemon Leade said:Shut up Maonth. It's true! I found it in Dest-01's stuff site so shut up! huh? I didn't say that was never written! As far as i can READ, the piece of text you copy/pasted LOOKED like it was RALPHIS that was being rude to DEST-01... 0 Share this post Link to post
Jon Posted April 25, 2001 Ralphis said:Um, i know he put that there you crackhead. I talk to him EVERYDAY on irc. And i want you to note in the end he said im a pretty good guy. I guess you are just blind? you all suck (except maonth...) #doom 4eva 0 Share this post Link to post
Sir Fragsalot Posted April 26, 2001 Shaviro said:huh? I didn't say that was never written! As far as i can READ, the piece of text you copy/pasted LOOKED like it was RALPHIS that was being rude to DEST-01... Why can't everyone just get along? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest RTC Marine Posted April 26, 2001 Um, firstly, your an idiot secondly, try not to be an idiot and don't reopen dest-01's closed doomfunnies site thirdly, your an idiot if you do! 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted April 26, 2001 Yeah. You're all idiots, except a few of you. You know who you are. ::winks:: (basically everyone I talk to regularly in #doom and #unidoom) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dest-01 Posted April 26, 2001 Dest-01 said:I highly suggest you dont. Oh yes, and doomlands graphics are credited to ID software, suckah 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest RTC Marine Posted April 26, 2001 he has spoken.(BIG MOTHERFUCKING FULLSTOP, END OF FUCKING SENTENCE!!!) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dest-01 Posted April 26, 2001 Dest-01 said:Oh yes, and doomlands graphics are credited to ID software, suckah Ill trade you the "Doom Funnies" Name, for your soul. or alternitavely, give it a different fucking name, i dont want hate mail for your retaded comics. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dest-01 Posted April 26, 2001 Ralphis said:Um, i know he put that there you crackhead. I talk to him EVERYDAY on irc. And i want you to note in the end he said im a pretty good guy. I guess you are just blind? I was kidding.. Ralphis is good You however... must die 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 26, 2001 Katarhyne said:Yeah. You're all idiots, except a few of you. You know who you are. ::winks:: (basically everyone I talk to regularly in #doom and #unidoom) w00t! 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted April 26, 2001 Sir Fragsalot said:Why can't everyone just get along? Because da world is full of shit-heads! Sucks, don't it bro? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 26, 2001 Dest-01 said:Ill trade you the "Doom Funnies" Name, for your soul. or alternitavely, give it a different fucking name, i dont want hate mail for your retaded comics. I think you should check one of my posts in this thread because it mentions about a name change to DOOM Funnies okay? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted April 26, 2001 Dest-01 said:I was kidding.. Ralphis is good You however... must die WHAT DA HELL? QUIT FLAMING ME!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 26, 2001 Jon said:you all suck (except maonth...) #doom 4eva aaaaaaw :) 0 Share this post Link to post
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