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Doom: Best laugh of all times


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Since there's millions of "which whatever is the best" posts here, now what was the funniest thing you've seen in doom? Mine was when me and some friends played Doom by a null-modem or whatever it's called, and got the cyberdemon in map 17 cornered so that it couldn't move, and punched it right in the ass for a few minutes 'til it blew up :)

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Guest Nuno Correia

Yakworld, from the beginning to the end :)

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Once I hit a chaingunner with a bfg just right, and he cleared 1000 feet in a second.

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Guest Nuno Correia

What about hitting a lost soul in the back with the chaingun or with the shotgun at point blank range?

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In any room where there is at least 30 sergeants and troopers, pull out the BFG and turn them all into guts and bones at the same time...?
Or maybe those barons of hell vs. the cyberdemon on map08?
I must have seen another one before but I can't remember.

Update: Oh... How about when you kill 2 or more sergeants/troopers at the same time and they both make the same dying sound, so it sounds like an echo. Oh, not funny? Ok.

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I think it was in oldwest.wad or whatever it was, some popular ghost town deathmatch wad with weak sp play. Anyway, I was running through it (waiting for my dm bud to get out of detention :) when I found the berserk pack. All the rooms in the hotel have windows. Most of the rooms have imps, too. I ran into a room and punched an imp. He instantly turned inside out and went FLYING right through the window. =)

That's about it for Doom. The funniest moment of all (in my FPS years) would have to be during a Blood dm... but I'll save it for later.

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here's something that's cool. in e1m5, across the walkway that rises out of the toxic waste, where the yellow key is. there is a barrel right on the other side of the window. if you get the barrel to explode just right, it'll make the mushy corpse of a zombie (or a demon, which is tougher) to fly right at you through the window!

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On Tricks and Traps of Doom2,dont kill any monsters yet,lure em into the centeral room and than get the cyberdemons and barons out so than imps,cacodemons,bulldemons etc will be in there.On a few occasions they get so riled up,yes.Alright,now a few times the cyberdemon injured a bunch of imps and cacodemons and they cornerd the cyberdemon getting it stuck in one of the doors and the imps clawed and burnt him to death!I seen it happen on barons of hell and th.But its hard to pull of this stunt.

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Guest Nuno Correia
deadnail said:

The funniest moment of all (in my FPS years) would have to be during a Blood dm

"I'm gonna paint the town... red..."

This is the most sadistic joke ever featured in a game, I reckon :)

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Guest Malachai

Several times, while playing Jaguar Doom, I got a glitch (or something?) to happen when I was fighting a baron in E2M2. I always tried to get the demons to kill each other or kill themselves by exploding a barrel by their own fireballs. But the wierd thing is, is that I found a glitch I could do in that game. I found that baron and I set him up by a barrel, and he was what would be an equivalent in real life, 4 or so feet away from it, and he exploded it. He took pain from it and I stood away so I wouldn't get hurt. But then he started clawing in front of himself at apparently nothing (a magic, invisible demon..? :) and he kept scratching until he died. It was the weirdest thing. Anyone have any theories as to what that's all about, besides a glitch?

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I have several good moments. One, which is not that funny and extremely funny, was when I first played the Doom shareware, and I was on E1M9. I went down the elevator, and there were those imps on the pillars, and I blasted one with my shotgun, and it came flying towards me off the pillar. Since then, every time I'm on E1M9, it's always been my goal to do that to all three imps. Another hysterically funny time was when I was playing this custom wad called base something, I can't remember the exact name, and there was a hallway full of barrels with three cacos at the end. I was just sitting there while the cacos were shooting at me, and they accidently hit one of the barrels which caused a chain reaction exploding all the barrels. The next thing I knew, the three cacos turned around and started launching fireballs at each other, and then going up and biting each other. This was with plain vanilla Doom, and since monsters of the same species can't kill each other, they just sat there shooting at one another, but nothing ever happened. I must have sat there about 10 minutes just laughing at them attacking each other with no effect before I pulled out my shotgun and blasted them all. My final funny moment involved Zdaemon. I was playing with a couple of other people on Final Doom, and there was a remote-operated door that you have to hit the switch and run back to the door before it closes. I tried to run through the door, but it came down on my head and I got stuck in the floor. The two other guys came and they saw me stuck in the floor, so one of them grabbed a rocket launcher and tried to blast me out, but it had no effect. Finally, one of them found the switch and I got released, but I went on and found tons of zombies, so I came running back, and of course the door closed on me and I was once again stuck in the floor. Man, that was really funny.

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Guest Ressurected

Once, I was playing a custom WAD. There was a room full of barons and cacos, so I started firing with a plasma rifle. I heard a Cyberdemon roar, but thought nothing of it :). I was freaked out, firing like crazy at the crowd, with 1 health. When the last baron died, i was like 'man, that was crazy' and i sat back to recover from my battle when all of a sudden i heard the "clank clink clank clink" of the cyber demon. about a second later, i saw him round the corner and shoot me. it's tough to visualize, but i laughed my ass off :)

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Nuno Correia said:

What about hitting a lost soul in the back with the chaingun or with the shotgun at point blank range?

The XXX wads always gave me a laugh.

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Malachai said:

Several times, while playing Jaguar Doom, I got a glitch (or something?) to happen when I was fighting a baron in E2M2. I always tried to get the demons to kill each other or kill themselves by exploding a barrel by their own fireballs. But the wierd thing is, is that I found a glitch I could do in that game. I found that baron and I set him up by a barrel, and he was what would be an equivalent in real life, 4 or so feet away from it, and he exploded it. He took pain from it and I stood away so I wouldn't get hurt. But then he started clawing in front of himself at apparently nothing (a magic, invisible demon..? :) and he kept scratching until he died. It was the weirdest thing. Anyone have any theories as to what that's all about, besides a glitch?

That can happen in PC Doom too, and you can get for example two barons kill each other utilizing some barrels. I've made a wad for e1m8 to do that, not sure if it'll work with some sourceports, but at least some older ZDoom version worked, so maybe the new ZDoom betas work too.


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Testing one of my own levels, map03 from Innocent Evil (URL below) After the berserk pack, in the small 'archvile cage' I went to punch a soldier, just standing there, to see if it could be done. It can - 'whee!'

Heh. Berserk pack fun.

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one time i loaded up pictures of old girlfriends into a wad file and had fun as my firend and i blasted them over and over and over again.

I am a distirbed person....

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These both happened in my DM wad askewldm.wad ,which has some custom weapons like a VERY powerful 'alien' plasma gun...anyway i was playing doombot and one of them got the alien gun and shot me..whee!!!

Another time i was outside with it and shot a guy,causing him to fly through the window into a building

Also,playing doombot on ultra-violence mode,i spawned,lost nearly all my health,turned round to see what it was but all i saw was the front of a rocket about a centimetre from my face

At the last level of 'Last day on earth' i was hiding in a room waiting for the cyber to show up in a doorway across the room,but he took the long way round and emerged from a doorway RIGHT next to me..i literally jumped out of my seat!

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