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Let's Compare First "Scary" Doom Moments

Guest Malachai

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Guest Malachai

I'd say my first Doom moment that was actually scary would be in Doom1 shareware, back in the day, and when I grabbed the key in E1M3, the lights went out and shotgun zombies and imps came out of the secret compartment. It was great...I was dazed and confused and running around crazily with my shotgun blasting everywhere. Ah...memories. :)

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E1M2 the dark maze, and the wheezing guys in the background. The sarges would "bark", and the imps would make their weird sound that sounded like water trickling or something from far away.

Scared the crap out of me. I just ran toward the exit and said f**k everything.

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The maze in Halls of The dammned was my scariest moment,creepy maze and it was easy to get lost quickly.
Another frigtning experience was the "Hunted"level in the plutonia experiment epoisode for Final Doom.All those Arch Viles and the level itself was a large maze.Yikes!

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first off i would like to say that my cpu is fixed and i am back i am sure that all of you dont give a damn but id like to point that out...
my first scary expierience of doom was E1M5 near the end where the room is black and light only appears randomly for about a half a second...anyway when i got there i was getting severly injured and i couldnt see what was killing me and i realized it was a spectre so i kept running around only to find out that there are more in there..i was just about crapping my pants...

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I have a couple:

Like amanichen says below, that dark maze in E1M2 - Nuclear Plant is a good one. I would get lost in there during my early attempts to complete the level.

The small, dark, closed-in area in E1M8 - Phobos Anomaly where you're supposed to "die" at. This was on SNES Doom again. During the very first time I got there in "I'm too young to die!" mode (heh), I saw all those imps and demons in that nearly pitch-black room, kept on shooting, and then I died and the game would reset back to the title screen. I was like "...huh?"
To top it off, it happened right before I turned it off and went to bed.

E2M6 - Halls of the Damned was another good one. I slowly walked down the long stone corridor waiting for something like a cacodemon or a baron of hell to see me, but the corridor would continue on, and on, and on, until it would split into 4 different directions. "Choose your fate..." it would seem like. Don't forget about being in that dark wooden maze for the first time too.

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amanichen said:

E1M2 the dark maze, and the wheezing guys in the background. The sarges would "bark", and the imps would make their weird sound that sounded like water trickling or something from far away.

Scared the crap out of me. I just ran toward the exit and said f**k everything.

When Andres started playing :)

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I wasn't really scared in the default Doom levels.

The first scary moment in an FPS for me, though, was in Dark Forces when the radio cuts out in the Imperial City as you head back. I was almost dead so I really DID feel fear about what I'd face. Unfortunately, Boba Fett wasn't that hard. I was so freaked out that I fired a bunch of rockets into the starting area. I was surprised that I didn't face anything, until I noticed the dead body.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
fodders said:

When Andres started playing :)

My first scare is Level 15 from DOOM for 32X. The Cacodemons and Barons of Hell scared the [censored] out of me.

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Guest Dave

I can't rememeber where I was too young back then
but whenever I turned the same corner this big pink thing ( demon to me now ) grabbed holda me and sang 'bleed the freak' in demonic language...killing me with it's teeth....ow..

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Not my first scary moment. But it was a terrifying one to me.
In doom2, map27 (can't remember the name...), there's a room full of dead bodies, hanging from the wall, hanging from the ceiling, etc. Well, I stood in front of a door after killing lots of imps with my supershotgun. I opened it, and then I saw all the stuff I wrote above. That was scary as hell, but what made it even scarier......... Well, there was a spectre coming from behind. I could hear him, but I couldn't see the damn demon. I pissed my pants... (not really)

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My first was when i was 7. I had first gotten DooM on my 32X. It had a different version of e2m7. More of a wooden version with sections cutout, anyway, It was the first time my balls expanded enough at that age to play that map. I hadn't gotten past the caco before in it. I killed the caco and came around the corner to find a baron chasing me when i had no health. I ran back to the beginning room and waited for him to come hoping he wouldn't find me. He did....I started screaming to my mom. She was like "What the hell kinda game is this." Now i load zdoom.exe at least 100 times a day. Games don't scare me anymore. Except silent hill

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14, when SNES Doom just hit. It didn't really shock me that much at first, I just played the hell out of it, really getting into it. I even found the secret level in Episode 1 the third time I played. I could just hear that damn path opening up and I eventually found it.

When I started that final level in Episode 1 I just knew something was up. I was expecting some huge demon at the top of that lift and all I had to do was keep moving and shooting. Nope, these two dumptruck bastards came at me and they took one helluva beating before they finally went down. =)

That really got me into Doom right there, that action packed end to Knee Deep in the Dead.

After that... well, it was about that time that things stopped scaring me. I could watch horror movies and just laugh my ass off. The only piece of entertainment to catch me off guard was Silent Hill. That one room in the Other Hospital... nothing. As soon as you walk back to the door POW!! Sounds like someone just slammed the fuck out of a tile wall with a sledgehammer. I was stuck to the damn ceiling by my fingernails.

I dug that game so much I went out and bought it while I still had it rented. =)

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Nowhere wasnt in the hospital. It was more like a portal to all the other places (i.e. School, Hospital, etc.) The sewers was by far the scariest part. All you have is the flashlight and you can't see those damned gremlin things. Jesus that scared me.

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Sir Fragsalot said:

I wasn't really scared in the default Doom levels.

The first scary moment in an FPS for me, though, was in Dark Forces when the radio cuts out in the Imperial City as you head back. I was almost dead so I really DID feel fear about what I'd face. Unfortunately, Boba Fett wasn't that hard. I was so freaked out that I fired a bunch of rockets into the starting area. I was surprised that I didn't face anything, until I noticed the dead body.

i played that level for a while until i got to there. it was the last level i played all teh way through, i skipped a few. but i looked throughout the whoel gaem for boba fett. when i heard the raido transmission i got this huge addrenaline rush. it wasnt anywhere near as hard as in shadows of the empire on 64 though. goddamn, the first tiem i almost beat him, i had him down to 2 health, then he shot me. the next time i remembere hittign hima dn his jet packed got fucked up. i was like "yes i beat him" then the slave one came out of the hangar and i pretty much lost it. i jsut stood there scared to death and it killed me.i dotn remembere my first scary thing in a game. but i remeber every single nook adn crany (whatever that is) of half-life. my god, when the experiment went wrong i ws shitting my pants...not literally...i think.

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when i first played shareware - e1m2, the section of the level that is opened by a switch, the "pulsating light" section... and i killed a host of monsters and then there was nothing and only ambient growling... that anticipation was my frst scary doom moment.

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In a botmatch once,i spawned,turned round,saw a rocket about a centimetre from my face!

And once in that wad called 'Last day on earth',The cyber in the last level,i stood in a room with the plasma gun trained on the doorway at the far end,ready to run out of the doorway next to me...Only the fucking cyber came from the doorway next to me didnt it?-I jumped out of my seat!

Oh,the first time i played map 32!,we where round a mates (i only had a megadrive at that time) and tried out the level select,being snotty kids we thought "Ooh,theres 30 levels,lets try and get to number 31"-It worked!,after going a bit mad about what we had discovered,i kicked my brother off and tried level 32...hmm..theres nothing here....AAAAGGGG!!!!

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