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/me comes up with poll

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Hey, what's your absolute favorite level in every Episode?
My favorites are:
E1M7-Computer Station
E3M7-Unholy Cathedral
What are yours?

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E1 - don't really like any of them.
E2M2 - Containment Area
E3M6 - Mt. Erebus
E4M9 - Fear

E1's maps were all pretty much the same thing, fun the first few times then boring afterwards. E2 had a lot of good maps, that was a tough call. E3 is my personal favorite episode, I liked all the maps except maybe E3M5 - Unholy Cathedral. It's probably the least professional looking but the theme rocks. E4's maps were just too small.

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E1=Phobos Lab.
E2=I'm not sure.
E3=All of them.
E4=I'm not sure.

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E1:Computer Station(Good set-up, large and challenging)

E2:Containment area(Creepy enviorment)

E3:Unholy cathedral(Down right creepy)

E3:Unto the Cruel(Good set-up, large and challenging)

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E1M6:Central Processing
E2M7:Spawning Vats
Episode 3 is a tough call being it was my favorite episode and i liked just about all levels equally but one stands out and that is...
E3M6:Mount Erebus
E4M6:Against Thee Wickedly

i like all of these leves for different reason and i like playing them more so than the levels in the same episode whether they have a unique twist or turn, or a certain touch of difficulty these levels are my picks

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E1 : E1M8 I don't know why, I guess the size of it.

E2 : E2M8 The Tower of Babel stands in my mind VERY clearly.

E3 : E3M9 Not because of the architecture, but because of the really smart trick placed in this one.

E4 : None of them, really.

D2 : None. I hate them all.

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E1M3: Toxin Refinery
For me, this level is filled with target practice enemies, and there are lots of secrets.

E2M2: Containment Area
All time classic, also filled with target practice enemies, and just is very DOOMish.

E3M7: Limbo
One of the toughest levels I've played in terms of finding the right keys to find the exit. I love the atmosphere of it, it truly represents a good depiction of the underworld.

E4M5: Against Thee Wickedly
At the end of this level after you destroy the Cyberdemon, there is a mess of dead marines that just makes me mad and pumped up.

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