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Which source port???

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Just in case ZDoom 1.23 beta 24 screws up on me like beta 20 liked to do, I downloaded Doom Legacy as back-up. I also downloaded Edge, but it frankly pretty much sucked compared to ZDoom and Legacy.

Legacy works pretty good, except you can't jump as high as on ZDoom, and some of the notes on the midis are screwed up. Some notes play a key higher than it's supposed to. There is no "sound.cfg" to edit, so I don't know how to fix it. If anyone knows how to fix this error, let me know.

Anyway, which source port would be the best one to work with (besides ZDoom)?

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Guest kristus

Wait for the next legacy version wich will feature brand new cool 3d sound.

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...so why don't give PrBoom a try ?
It's my personal favorite, because of the pureness.
PrBoom works with Timidity.
If you also like to manage your Doom files (WAD's, etc.) in an easy way, try also my PrBoom Frontend: http://kickme.to/theking

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Zeratul 982 said:

Legacy works pretty good, except you can't jump as high as on ZDoom

Of course you can. And you can jump even higher than ZDoom. Just go in : options/game options/gravity. Reduce the gravity scale and there you go. If you set it too low, you can even get stuck on the ceiling =)

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Guest kristus
King Elvis said:

...so why don't give PrBoom a try ?
It's my personal favorite, because of the pureness.
PrBoom works with Timidity.
If you also like to manage your Doom files (WAD's, etc.) in an easy way, try also my PrBoom Frontend: http://kickme.to/theking

You forgot to say.


Btw. The "king" is dead.

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Feronth said:

Of course you can. And you can jump even higher than ZDoom. Just go in : options/game options/gravity. Reduce the gravity scale and there you go. If you set it too low, you can even get stuck on the ceiling =)

Yes but that would screw with all other physics in the game would it not?

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...and there is no problem at all to lower the gravity in ZDoom too...

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