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What do you look for in a map?

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Well, after posting that last message, I have to redeem myself somehow by posting a serious topic...

Anyway, I'm working on a new map. And I'm wondering, what types of maps you guys like. So I made this little survey type thing, with examples from Memento Mori (a megawad I'm hoping everyone's played). Basically, just pick a choice or respond. Pretty simple, even a Who Wants to be a Millionare contestant could do it. Maybe.

Map size
Small (MM map 01 (Outpost, Denis Moeller))
Medium (MM map 14 (Aqueduct, Tom Mustaine))
Large (MM map 28 (City of the Unavenged, Jens Nielsen))
Massive (Eternal Doom Map12 (Darkdome, Sverre Kvernmo))

Very linear (MM2 map 02 (Feeding Pit, David Davidson))
Linear (MM2 map 26 (Base Exposure, Mark Klem))
Non linear (MM map 28 (City of the Unavenged, Jens Nielsen))
Extremely non linear (Eternal Doom map12 again)

Secret areas
None, I hate finding secrets
One or two to make me feel special for finding them
Three to five, hunting them secrets is fun
Five or more! Finding secrets is more fun than killing monsters!

Just the small guys (Episode 1 of Doom)
Medium (Just about every level in The Darkening)
I like em big (KZDOOM7)
BRING IT ON!! (Hell Revealed)

Additional thoughts go after this colon:

(esco) Thanks fo yo time, playas! (/esco)

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I dig linear,medium sized maps. The secrets don't matter, since I rarely ever find them on my own. As far as enemies go, I like mostly episode one baddies, with the big demons thrown in for traps/ambushes... then cyberdemons for end-of-level type stuff.

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10sectors.wad map14 0wns me ;) and map27 and whichever map is ebolas, and did chroz's make it into the wad? if it did, that one too.

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Guest kristus

map17 - Mine
map25 - Chroz

Chroz's map was the coolest in the pack IMO.
I liked the base map Kdoom had in it to. that one was rellay cool.
And jon's map.
and technically Lüts map. (but only technically)

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I tend to enjoy megawads when they replace the entire game or an episode.But for a single level,for me the level is fairly large,not to big,but no to small.Interseting rooms and corridors.Like the DOOM levels,all of em.A healthy mixture of demons for me is what my demon killing diet consists of here it is:

Imps scatterd throughout the level,not everywhere just a little here and there.

A few Bull demons and spectres thrown into the mix is always good.

A few barons here and there,but no to many to give you a heart attack.

Thats just an example.

I dont mind it,just as long as it's not over done like thousands of monsters.

A good drop of weponary and items is a good idea always.

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Guest fraggle`

> what do you look for in a map?

the exit usually, isnt that the point? :)

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Ebola said:

map17 - Mine
map25 - Chroz

Chroz's map was the coolest in the pack IMO.
I liked the base map Kdoom had in it to. that one was rellay cool.
And jon's map.
and technically Lüts map. (but only technically)

I have to be brutally honest, I absolutely hated kdoom's base map, I couldn't believe it was by him :( but his other ones were damn fine :)

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fraggle` said:

> what do you look for in a map?

the exit usually, isnt that the point? :)

Damnit Fraggle, thats probably the most obvious joke ever.

And no I'm not just jealous that you posted it before I could.

Of course Ling would look for the nearest (preferably plush) cacodemon, so he could kidnap and sexually abuse it, but that's beside the point.

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Something fishy is going on around here.....

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