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Ph33r the ancient fish!

Guest Ralphis

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The old post got messed up somehow so...

look to the left and ph33r.

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Guest Nuno Correia

|>h33|2 7h3 3|\/||30553|) |>h15h!

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Guest Dave

!Ditimi Ae!

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Guest pickle_hammer

Common Sense Logic:

1. Don't make a new thread just to introduce yourself. You're only asking for trouble.
2. If no one is responding to your post don't post it again. They see it; double posting is a crime punishable by flagellation.
3. Don't volunteer unneccessary information. Your religion is your own business, and that goes for gender and sexual preference as well.
4. Think about your message before you post. If you think it's something better said with email or an IRC session you're probably right.
5. Respect permeates outward. If you want to be treated well then treat others well. In other words, 'Fuck you' is not a good first impression.
7. PoStINg iN BiZZaRe CaPS MakES YoU LooK LiKE An IDioT.
8 posting without punctuation makes you look lazy
9. Posng withh atrocious spellleng refletks veri porly upon yourslf.
10. P05T1nG 1N L33T 5P34K M@K35 Y0U L00K L1K3 A R3T@RD.

focus on
10. P05T1nG 1N L33T 5P34K M@K35 Y0U L00K L1K3 A R3T@RD.

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pickle_hammer said:

Common Sense Logic: Part deux-----------------------------------------------------------------Don't copy and paste FAQ page to here, just post a link to it :)http://www.doomworld.com/forums/faq.

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pickle_hammer said:

um. sorry but one word isnt posting in leet speak. Frikkin moron

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Don Incognito said:

Where is that from?

Top right of this page, FAQ............................... :)

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