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The Arch-Vile is holy

Guest Alba 26th

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Guest Alba 26th

Why can`t the Arch-Vile piss off other enemies, when I give it an attack? Is it in the engine or something? When I copied the Arch-Vile data to another thing he does piss off other demons... ?

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Guest MrHarmony

Dunno... Also not entirely sure what you mean; are you thinking about one monster shooting another one, which then fires back, and so on?

Anyway, it does make sense that Mr Vile doesn't participate in such stupidity. He's supposed to *resurrect* other monsters every now and then; not barbecue them! :-) Not sure that he really is that nice, though; never really thought about it. I usually try to blow him off the map before he fries my ass.

As to Archvile pissing other monsters off; not sure how he would do that. He doesn't shoot projectiles, so he shouldn't hit a monster by mistake, unless you're standing on one, or something... (OTOH, the fire does follow you if you're running when he spawns it, so there might be some way to trick him into frying some monster meat for your dinner. Never tried it, though.)

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He CAN be pissed off really easy (ain't you eva seen an arch-vile fryin' imps!), and he CAN piss of other monsters. If have a monster standing in front of you, REALLY close, da blast will sometimes hit them too! Hope dis helps!

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I remember someone mentioning that the Archvile will attack monsters if accidently hit, but that the other monsters won't fight back. I've seen the Archvile kill other monsters, but I can neither confirm nor deny the second part of it. My opinion is just to let sleeping Archviles lie, though.

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I've seen Arch-Viles fight with Spider Demons, Chaingunners, you name it. It's pretty funny when he roasts Imps and zombies, because they get thrown into the air just like you do.^__^

Of course, its hard to get an Arch-Vile to accidentally hit another critter just because of how his attack works. He basically has to hit you when another monster is standing next to you, like Esco said. The trouble with that is it HURTS.

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