Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 If someone joins a project and donates a storyline and Name, and then is kicked out/leaves. Isn't he/she entitled to take his/her material with them and use it on other projects? 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 No. Team Demise (Leader Orion the Fag) Threw a temper tantrum and kicked out Hellbent. We were working on a doom1 project and since he came up with the name Fire On Phobos, we agreed it should be our episode name. Orion on the other hand thinks that it is his and does not care to get rid of it. He now claims it is his property and none of the doom community can do anything about it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dest-X Posted May 13, 2001 Ralphis said:He now claims it is his property and none of the doom community can do anything about it. Correct. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted May 13, 2001 Ralphis said:No. Team Demise (Leader Orion the Fag) Threw a temper tantrum and kicked out Hellbent. We were working on a doom1 project and since he came up with the name Fire On Phobos, we agreed it should be our episode name. Orion on the other hand thinks that it is his and does not care to get rid of it. He now claims it is his property and none of the doom community can do anything about it. Well, it depends partially on what he said. If he contributed it to you guys for you to use under any circumstances then you can use it. If he reserved the right to it then it's his. If he didn't say anything besides offer the suggestion, I'd say it's still his. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 Ok let me explain this out. Hellbent and me were working on a doom1 episode without a name. He joined team demise (a different team) and donated the name "Fire On Phobos". They used it. Orion currently got in an argument with Hellbent and kicked him out. Hellbent wanted to take the name "Fire on Phobos" with him for our episode. Orion is now claiming that we do not have the right to use the name "Fire on Phobos". Hellbent created the name and isn't it his right to take it away from Orion and use it for his own projects? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted May 13, 2001 I guess if you want to be legal about it, he could, but that doesn't excuse him from being a jackass. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 First of all I didn't kick anyone out. A member of the team was asking people like Ralph to join my team without my permission. I said I wouldn't care if he would ask me if it was ok first. However instead of apologizing the member decided to quit. I am not denying that he did create the name like Ralph is saying I am. I am just trying to make people understand that the member submitted the name to demise, meaning that demise is the new owner of the name. Also, I have no problem with giving him the credit for it since he did think of it. That's all. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 Forgot about mentioning all the cursing and CAPS LOCKS you used on him eh? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 I curse a lot, I even curse when I am happy, you can ask him yourself if you don't believe me. I used caps after he got pissed at me for his own mistakes. It only seemed right cause all I wanted was a simple apology, and I was getting bullshit instead. Just trying to get him to read what I'm saying instead of letting him flood me with sarcasm is all... 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 not what i saw. The first thing i saw was. Chesterules: Ralphis is gonna join our project. He wants to come on IRC for a bit Orion X Navas: YOU ASKED HIM TO JOIN? Orion X Navas: Who the fuck does he think he is?? Orion X Navas: Next he will want me on one knee giving him sex. Or something of that sort 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 Ralph you're a lamer, editing my msges... how pathetic. You took out a nice deal of information from that. And you also changed what I said. You smart boy you. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naberus Posted May 13, 2001 orion said:First of all I didn't kick anyone out. A member of the team was asking people like Ralph to join my team without my permission. I said I wouldn't care if he would ask me if it was ok first. However instead of apologizing the member decided to quit. I am not denying that he did create the name like Ralph is saying I am. I am just trying to make people understand that the member submitted the name to demise, meaning that demise is the new owner of the name. Also, I have no problem with giving him the credit for it since he did think of it. That's all. Orion! How you doing? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lazer Posted May 13, 2001 Ralphis said:Ok let me explain this out. Hellbent and me were working on a doom1 episode without a name. He joined team demise (a different team) and donated the name "Fire On Phobos". They used it. Orion currently got in an argument with Hellbent and kicked him out. Hellbent wanted to take the name "Fire on Phobos" with him for our episode. Orion is now claiming that we do not have the right to use the name "Fire on Phobos". Hellbent created the name and isn't it his right to take it away from Orion and use it for his own projects? DONATED You can't donate clothes and then take them back! After you donate something, whoever gets it owns it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vorpal Posted May 13, 2001 Dest-X said:"Yes" is the easy answer I don't think that we have heard the full story, merely Ralphis' biased point of view. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 Ralphis said:No. Team Demise (Leader Orion the Fag) Threw a temper tantrum and kicked out Hellbent. We were working on a doom1 project and since he came up with the name Fire On Phobos, we agreed it should be our episode name. Orion on the other hand thinks that it is his and does not care to get rid of it. He now claims it is his property and none of the doom community can do anything about it. Grow up ralph, you're immature even for a 13 year old. Not like I'm takeing all of the maps he made, infact I'm not takeing any. I just would like the name for the project and the story to remain the same. I also am giving him the credit for them since he isn't a part of the team anymore. No reason for a fight like this. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted May 13, 2001 Hmm, oddly enough I'm the leader of a few Doom team effort groups and I hope I never encounter shit like this. I've already had some people jumping in from other members and I think it's great (wait 'till you hear the original soundtrack!). It all depends on what level of stuff they contributed. I mean, if they made any levels, sound effects, songs or graphics or whathaveyou, it would be in bad taste to continue to use this material without their specific permission. Not even asking and just using it anyway would make you a serious dickhead. Intellectual property is a much tougher thing to regulate. Did they think up the idea behind half of your mod, then you kick them out and keep it there? If so, you had DAMN well better have their name written all over it so the community knows exactly who did it. Then again, if they were spare weight and all they did was think up a name or two anyway they were essentially useless but filled their role to it's fullest. That is also a problem, I'm sure... getting TOO MANY people in a project, bad attitudes are bound to show up and phuq up the whole shabang. 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted May 13, 2001 Lüt said:I guess if you want to be legal about it, he could, but that doesn't excuse him from being a jackass. Wait, who's the jackass? *this is going to be fun* 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted May 13, 2001 Vorpal said:I don't think that we have heard the full story, merely Ralphis' biased point of view. Exactly, so now you can hear my point of view. Actually, you can see the conversation that Orion and I had. This way you can make 100% objective decisions on who is being the jack ass and who should get what. One thing I do want to put in that is my point of view: Ralphis said I *donated* the name FOP to Demise. I did no such thing. It's not like I said: "Orion, I am donating the name Fire On Phobos to Demise, it is the property of Demise now. Whatever happens, it forever belongs to Demise." We were a team, I suggested a name, we both agreed on it. End of story. I left Demise, and I think I should be able to take everything I did in Demise with me. That means the levels I made, that means the *parts* of levels I made, that means the stories I wrote and that means the names I come up with. I could even say that Orion can't use additions I made to levels he made to make his levels better, but I don't care to do that. The story I wrote was *his* story. He thought it up, I merely just put it into words. So I don't think I should be able to use the story for me and Ralphis's episode, if I wanted to use it, even if the words to write the story are mine. However, I do think I should use the name Fire On Phobos for the episode ralph and I are making, since it I thought up the name. I think that covers most everything in regaurds to legal stuff. At least I can't think of anything else at this time. Now for the conversation that Orion and I had that made me to want to leave Demise. Chesterules: no say hi? Chesterules: folding laundry OrioN X NaVaS: ~stroke~ Chesterules: oh gawd OrioN X NaVaS: ~splurt~ OrioN X NaVaS: oops I got some in your mouth OrioN X NaVaS: gonna work on the map Chesterules: oh gawd OrioN X NaVaS: you love me, you really really love me Chesterules: like Chesterules: not love, like Chesterules: I dont' like hitler OrioN X NaVaS: ~sneeze~ Chesterules: KRACOV 7: you listen to Sublime? Chesterules: I do Chesterules: is that a sublime liyric? Chesterules: i odn't lsitse nto luhslien ntaht mcuh Chesterules: but i do ocasionaly KRACOV 7: lebsana gool tuneio KRACOV 7: back door? great idea, Chewie! Chesterules: you had to have been there Chesterules: was funny as hell Chesterules: e le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le l Chesterules: after you sneezed my nose became sniffly OrioN X NaVaS: hmm OrioN X NaVaS: leave me alone, I am editing OrioN X NaVaS: cruel basterd OrioN X NaVaS: holy shit this looks better then I imagined Chesterules: sweet OrioN X NaVaS: I thought it would look like e1m1 but it looks even more e1 Chesterules: shegadelleick OrioN X NaVaS: shit how can I make a sector go up like 64 ? OrioN X NaVaS: what should be the floor height and ceiling height of the sector? OrioN X NaVaS: the room is 0/128 Chesterules: I don't know what you're asking. OrioN X NaVaS: fuck it Chesterules: causeway OrioN X NaVaS: how the fuck can I make a sector go up to the cieling from the floor? Chesterules: the linedef type that is raise floor to ceilings? OrioN X NaVaS: is it under floor or cieling? Chesterules: floor OrioN X NaVaS: what should the sectors height be? Chesterules: 64? OrioN X NaVaS: grrr OrioN X NaVaS: this isn't working OrioN X NaVaS: If I want the sector to go up 64 OrioN X NaVaS: what should be the floor heigh OrioN X NaVaS: cieling height OrioN X NaVaS: and what lindef type Chesterules: send me the wad OrioN X NaVaS: no dammit OrioN X NaVaS: I'm a dumbass I'll just make it a remote door Chesterules: no Chesterules: let me do it Chesterules: send Chesterules: use the boom types OrioN X NaVaS: I already did it Chesterules: raise by shortest tecture Chesterules: texture Chesterules: k OrioN X NaVaS: I made it into a remote door Chesterules: camouflage Chesterules: k Chesterules: will you join Ralph's chat so that he will join FOP? Chesterules: I just signed up with his chat room Chesterules: his IRC chat Chesterules: if you do too - he will join us Chesterules: I have a craving for gasoline OrioN X NaVaS: what? OrioN X NaVaS: what the fuck does irc have to do with fop? Chesterules: he want us to join his doom chat room Chesterules: in return - he will jion FOP OrioN X NaVaS: really? does he also want me to get on my knee when I ask him to join? OrioN X NaVaS: who the fuck does he think he is OrioN X NaVaS: if he wants to join he can ask me and not tell me to go to some chat and only then he will join OrioN X NaVaS: I never asked him, so he shouldn't be giving me and regulations Chesterules: he wasn't giving them to you Chesterules: he said that to me cause I was begging him OrioN X NaVaS: what/ Chesterules: he said: if you and orion join my irc chat - I will join your project Chesterules: since I was begtging Chesterules: he said that OrioN X NaVaS: what? OrioN X NaVaS: that doesn't make sense Chesterules: I said black and tan is better than white russian OrioN X NaVaS: why were you begging him to join our team? Chesterules: cause he is good map maker Chesterules: and we ned more people OrioN X NaVaS: who gave you fucking permision Chesterules: and he is making same damn project Chesterules: might as well join our teams together Chesterules: and since not over hell's dead body wil you join him Chesterules: I think he might join us Chesterules: with enough conjoling OrioN X NaVaS: you might as well fuck off since I am the one who decides who is in Chesterules: so I am trying to get him to join us OrioN X NaVaS: fuck you OrioN X NaVaS signed off at 6:03:29 PM. OrioN X NaVaS signed on at 6:05:54 PM. OrioN X NaVaS: join his project but don't ask him to join my project without my fucking permision god damn.... Chesterules: sorry, sir. Chesterules: I really messed up this time. :-[ Chesterules: I should have asked you first. Chesterules: My bad. OrioN X NaVaS: no shit Chesterules: Do you forgive me? Chesterules: I'm really sorry. OrioN X NaVaS: and I would have been ok with it Chesterules: I don't know what I was thinking Chesterules: I guess I wasn't... Chesterules: shit! Chesterules: now I've fucked it up! Chesterules: damn... OrioN X NaVaS: stfu Chesterules: Well, I guess I learned my lesson. Chesterules: Because the way you need to run things, and your need to have 100% say and control and bossyness with this team, I regret to inform you I will no longer be working on this team. I will be taking my name: "Fire On Phobos", the write up of the story and my wads with me. I will be joining Ralphis. He will be taking the textures back as well. Good luck figuring out what you're gonna do without the textures. And it's a shame it has to come to this. I hope we can still be friends. Although I'm guessing that's not gonna be possible. Chesterules: ~weeps~ Chesterules: you there? OrioN X NaVaS: chester you can go fuck your self OrioN X NaVaS: the story is mine, you may not use it OrioN X NaVaS: as for the rest take it and don't bother msging me Chesterules: well - I won't use it - cause you're right, it is yours Chesterules: but you can't use what I wrote Chesterules: you have to rewrite the story yourself Chesterules: since those are my words OrioN X NaVaS: you're blocked OrioN X NaVaS: cya OrioN X NaVaS signed off at 6:16:15 PM. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 Ling he's flooding the forum with pointless conversations no one cares about delete his post! =] I wasn't serious about the strokeing part... really I wasn't umm.... *blush*... (grr dammit gonna kill chester for this) 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 orion said:Ralph you're a lamer, editing my msges... how pathetic. You took out a nice deal of information from that. And you also changed what I said. You smart boy you. I didn't have it saved. That's just what i remember 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 orion said:I just would like the name for the project and the story to remain the same. I also am giving him the credit But the point is. HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO HAVE THEM. He made them and him being removed violently didn't help you get on his good side. 0 Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted May 13, 2001 As far as I can tell from Hellbent's reply with the irc messages in it, orion said they couldn't use the story, but they could take the rest of the stuff. So I don;t see how he can tuen around and say he's keeping it. I think Ralph and Hellbent have every right in the world to use the name. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 13, 2001 orion said:Ling he's flooding the forum with pointless conversations no one cares about delete his post! =] I wasn't serious about the strokeing part... really I wasn't umm.... *blush*... (grr dammit gonna kill chester for this) Heh. I think that about explains it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted May 13, 2001 orion said:Ling he's flooding the forum with pointless conversations no one cares about delete his post! =] I wasn't serious about the strokeing part... really I wasn't umm.... *blush*... (grr dammit gonna kill chester for this) Orion why don't you just shut the fuck up and leave him alone. He gave you permission to use that title and he as just as well take it from you forever. Now stop that arguing!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 before you tell me to stfu get your facts straight. No one gave me any permission to do anything, and I shouldn't need any. I am being nice and getting a new name, so don't piss me off. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest orion Posted May 13, 2001 Naberus said:Orion! How you doing? Hlo, Nab! 0 Share this post Link to post
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