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Suggestions for my title should I get one


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If ling were to give me a title,I don't know what the little title should be under my name, think you guys could offer suggestions?

"pants(tm)" - James (me)

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Fuck Juan Valdez
C0ff33 P1MP
Tranny Free
Exceptionally Vulgar
I will make you cry
I love you
I piss in everything
My ass hurts
PH33R TH3 C0FF33
Fuck Starbucks

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Gimme time, I'll think of some warped shit! By da way, check out mah title... dat shit is tight as fuck! :)

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Guest ZarcyB

crazy coffee bitch

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Guest Cacodemon Leade

Person who pisses in your coffee.

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Guest Nuno Correia

doomworld's waiter

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Why don't you fix something so that all can set their own titles, Linguica...? It can hardly be abused more than anything else on these forums. Not that I really care.

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deadnail said:

Fuck Juan Valdez
C0ff33 P1MP
Tranny Free
Exceptionally Vulgar
I will make you cry
I love you
I piss in everything
My ass hurts
PH33R TH3 C0FF33
Fuck Starbucks

Ling, make mine either PH33R TH3 C0FF33, Fuck Starbucks, Coffee warrior, or C0ff33 P1MP.

Tranny free ain't bad also. :P

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Grul said:

Why don't you fix something so that all can set their own titles, Linguica...? It can hardly be abused more than anything else on these forums. Not that I really care.

Yeah, it would be cool to be able to create your own title, but then again, it would lose it's "specialness" in that it wasn't personally given to you by the big sausage. It somehow just wouldn't be as fun if everyone just made their own titles, and they probably wouldn't be nearly as funny, as we all know that Arioch never would have given himself the title of "Linguica's Bitch", which was extremely funny (sorry Arioch, but it was).

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Ling, make mine either PH33R TH3 C0FF33, Fuck Starbucks, Coffee warrior, or C0ff33 P1MP.

Tranny free ain't bad also. :P

I'd like to see your title be "PH33R TH3 COFF33", personally.

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Guest fraggle`
Cacodemon Leade said:

Person who pisses in your coffee.

friggin original one there

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AH HA!! Now I gots one... how about "creator of dommworld's unique special brew (TM)?"

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