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Questons about DOOM 2

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Im slacking off in audio visual class,instead of typing notes,im gonna be on DOOM world and post up this for the hell of it.

What are your thoughts on DOOM2? Level design,new demons,double barrel shotgun.The new music and textures?

I know this is a dumb queston probarbly,but seeing as the forums here nowadays anyways.

Personally I think DOOM 2 is awsome,but not as good as the original DOOM.I think Final DOOM (TNT evilution and Plutonia) are better than DOOM 2.

I think some of the levels could of been done better,like downtown and paticuraly the episode in hell.The new demons kick ass and the double barreld shotgun rules,all though there could of been new wepons.The music rocks and I like the textures.

My thoughts on DOOM 2?

Well it is a classic game and has set it's place in my eyes but it could of been even better.But any DOOM will always rock.

The best DOOM 2 levels are:

Entry Way
Waste Tunnels
Refueling base
Industrial zone
The Citadal
Blood falls
The spirit world
The living end
Icon of sin

I still enjoy the other levels,but I think these are the ones that stand out the best for me.

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I think 85% of it was a load of crap.

The other 15% was pretty entertaining.

In detail:

Levels: There's only a few that don't either make me cringe or just plain suck. Can you believe after Doom they'd sink to these lows? Anyways... Map05 and Map06 - good atmosphere. Map08 - fun. Map10 and Map16 - ugly but lots of monsters and little ammo=fun. Map14 - cool designs for its time, still looks good today. Map19 - decent map. Map22 - somewhat professional looking. Map23 - stupid but fun. Map24 - personal favorite, some silly designs though. Map28 - FINALLY SOME COLOR! Possibly my favorite map. Map29 - pretty dull but in a good way.

Music: there's some good stuff here, but like the levels, it's nothing compared to Ultimate Doom. Map01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07 and 28 all have the potential to make great songs if performed by live musicians. The rest I could care less about.

New Monsters: these were kinda necessary; not the most original of new guys but I like all of them. Pain Elementals and Arch Viles piss me off a lot but they're good enemies to have, as well as everything else that made it into Doom2.

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Guest ZarcyB

In my opinion Doom 2 is the best of the series. It has a completely different atmosphere to Ultimate Doom and Final Doom, and was one of the first games that scared me. I still remember first playing Monster Condo and getting shit scared.

Of course, that was 5 or so years ago, and although it doesn't scare me any more, the game has a unique atmosphere that separates it from the rest. I never really liked Final Doom that much, although I haven't really played it much.

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nightmare imp said:

I know this is a dumb queston probarbly,but seeing as the forums here nowadays anyways.

What? What do you mean?

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ZarcyB said:

In my opinion Doom 2 is the best of the series. It has a completely different atmosphere to Ultimate Doom and Final Doom, and was one of the first games that scared me. I still remember first playing Monster Condo and getting shit scared.

Of course, that was 5 or so years ago, and although it doesn't scare me any more, the game has a unique atmosphere that separates it from the rest. I never really liked Final Doom that much, although I haven't really played it much.

I agree completely.

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Guest ZarcyB
Disorder said:

What? What do you mean?


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Guest ZarcyB
Shaviro said:

I agree completely.

Of course you do. That's what I pay you for, remember?


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I think that DOOM 2 was the 3rd best of the series....The new monsters were really needed as much as the double barrel shotgun. I think the only prolems with it were the poor atmospheres and the music was nowhere as good as the first....This is the order in which i think the series should be rated.

Worst: Plutonia
3rd: DOOM2
2nd: TNT
Best: Ultimate DOOM

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Guest stphrz'
Lüt said:

lots of monsters and little ammo=fun

Nope. That = suck :P Sorry but I completely disagree with you here...

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D2's a good game, very good, however, Ultimate Doom is even better. The atmosphere is better, and the levels are consistent, unlike some of D2's levels. I really don't think that there is enough of a storyline or enough new demons and/or enemies to call it a true sequel, though. It seems to me Doom2 is more a glorified extension pack for Doom. However, I do agree with your level pickings.

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DooM 2 should not been a sequel. It's not worthy of the "2".

DooM 2 level design sucks. Period. Yeah, you might be pleased with certain scenes, or themes or even the whole architecture, but still the campaign is under average.

The new monsters are a great addition, well, except for the Pain Elementals...

The double barreled shotgun is a great add, but only because of the different theme on DooM 2. Open, lots of monsters (compared to DooM1) and an average monster HP increased.

I never bothered to finish the game more than once. I think that resumes it pretty much.

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the game was ok i personally didnt think it was as good as doom 1 and it still had good levels like i especially thought tricks and traps was an awesome level...the thing that ticked me off the most about doom 2 was that its sequel phrase was HELL ON EARTH...where in gods name are those series of levels in the world today?? honestly. I liked the new enemies except the pain elemental...i dont particularly care for him...otherwise it was a solid dooming expierience...

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I thought Doom 2 was pretty good, but I have to admit that I liked the levels in Doom 1 better. In a way, Doom 2 is more like a megawad than a real sequel, aside from the additional ememies and the DB shotgun. I mainly like it because the new stuff gives me more options when making my own levels.

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I like Doom II very much. But, I can tell it's my favorite. Because, it always changes by me. Sometimes, my favorite is Ultimate Doom, sometimes Doom II, and when I bought Final Doom, I got addicted to it (I played it every day). Right now I feel like my favorite is Doom II. I think I will play it all friday night =)

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Lüt said:

Map10 and Map16 - ugly but lots of monsters and little ammo=fun.

Remember though that Map10 was made before DooM I was even finished.

And if you ask me,

DooM II = bigger levels, new items, etc and the newer enemies allow for better add-on levels from the net.

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stphrz' said:

Nope. That = suck :P Sorry but I completely disagree with you here

Well guess what?


Seriously though, I wasn't talking about the whole concept, I just meant for those levels in particular. The thing with those maps was that you couldn't blatantly waste ammo if you were gonna finish them simply by warping to them and playing through them starting with only the pistol. Those are two of the only levels that are still a fair challenge to do that in. You're right, you can't have the difficulties planned bullet-for-bullet, but there's still a tight balance necessary to keep you on the edge of your seat and those two do a good job providing that.

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Drat said:

Remember though that Map10 was made before DooM I was even finished.

And if you ask me,

DooM II = bigger levels, new items, etc and the newer enemies allow for better add-on levels from the net.

Yes Doom2 is a lot better for add-ons, there's not much arguing that.

Structurally, Map10 had it's good parts and it's bad parts. It was a great layout though. But if it was made in the Doom1 era, I would have expected it to be a lot better.

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Ultimate doom gets my vote, especially episode 4. Doom2's good in parts. Evilution doesn't look finished, Plutonia just beats Doom2 id say.

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Nothing can touch the first (and to a lesser extent, second and third) episode of Doom. John Romero may have designed one of the shittiest, over-blown disappointments in video game history, but he has also created the greatest, flippin' fantastic set of levels ever.


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I agree totally with you,but I still like Doom 2 it's great,but could of been done better.

Ultimate DOOM is the best DOOM ever created.It would be so cool to put DOOM 2 monsters in Ultimate DOOM for thre pc.Is there some kind of wad that does this or what?

That would make it kick ass all over again.

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