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Doom 3 Platforms question

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So it is coming out for the PC console but what about other consoles, like the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube?

Personally I think it would do much better on a dedicated system like the Xbox. what are the console plans?

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Well it's too early too tell, though Doom3 may come out on the X-Box (apparently). Not sure about the rest. Btw, shoulden't this be in the Questions section?

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Doom III is definetly coming out on the PC for Windows, Mac and Linux. An XBox version is very likely, but the other consoles on the market right now just don't carry the raw power to display Doom III's environments. What do you mean by "doing better" ? You mean performance or sales figures ? I haven't seen any XBox sales figures yet, but I doubt Doom III sales on XBox would be higher than sales on PC.

Welcome to the forums.

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An Xbox version could be possible. If Doom 3 is released for the GC, I'd be really surprised. The PS2's graphics chip and memory aren't enough to handle it, so you can rule out a PS2 version.

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