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Abnormal Doom 95 Problem

Guest Neocrisis

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Guest Neocrisis

Found my old copy of Doom 95 and decided to install it. Everything looks and sounds great. The only problem is that I cant use my mouse.Even when I change the configuration settings it wont work. Has anyone ever had this problem? Are there any patches or upgrades for Doom 95? Mabey that would fix the problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Guest Zchingo

Try clicking the "enable mouse" box in the "configurations" menu.

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Heh, funny enough, I'm seeing the same problem. The mouse refuses to work in Doom95, no matter what I do in the configuration screen.

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Guest Neocrisis

I solved this problem simple enough, I just downloaded ZDOOM and installed that, I has 10 times as many features, looks great, and is just damn good.

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I could never do that, I don't have enough fingers on one hand to have it use the arrows, control, shift, alt and spacebar all at the same time. Who the hell could possibly use a mouse?? Probably the same people who can control Corvus in Heretic2 I'd imagine. Crack addicts.

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Thats odd,it works all the time for me.


Starfe left=a
Stra right=s

Primary 1=fire

Thats for DOOM 95 for me,but I dont know why the mouse wont work for you.

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  On 5/17/2001 at 1:55 PM, Lüt said:

I could never do that, I don't have enough fingers on one hand to have it use the arrows, control, shift, alt and spacebar all at the same time. Who the hell could possibly use a mouse?? Probably the same people who can control Corvus in Heretic2 I'd imagine. Crack addicts.


Presumably, alt = fire, shift = strafe, space = use, ctrl = ???

You can narrow all those down to just shift by using the mouse buttons, or even put strafe on the middle button if you have one.

And unless you're using mouselook in a port, why would you need to use the arrow keys?

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  On 5/17/2001 at 1:58 PM, Lüt said:

Absolutely not. Mice are NOT for FPS's, kthxbye.


Umm, how can you play an FPS with freelook WITHOUT a mouse? Please god don't say you use a joystick =p

Anyway, I think all those people willing thousands in game tourneys (i.e. the best players in the world) would disagree with your sentiments... ;)

Also, if mice aren't for FPS's, why is there a mouse specifically designed with FPS's in mind? Try the Razor Boomslang in Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, or whatever, and I think you'll find yourself eating your words :)

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  On 5/17/2001 at 5:39 PM, NiGHTMARE said:

Presumably, alt = fire, shift = strafe, space = use, ctrl = ???

You can narrow all those down to just shift by using the mouse buttons, or even put strafe on the middle button if you have one.

And unless you're using mouselook in a port, why would you need to use the arrow keys?


I need the arrows to control the player! Why else? Can't have him bumbling all over the place with a mouse. Try and navigate The Chasm with a mouse, I dare you.

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  On 5/17/2001 at 5:41 PM, NiGHTMARE said:

Also, if mice aren't for FPS's, why is there a mouse specifically designed with FPS's in mind?


Most likely to try and make up for what a regular mouse lacks compared to the standard keyboard.

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  On 5/17/2001 at 1:58 PM, Lüt said:

Absolutely not. Mice are NOT for FPS's, kthxbye.


you can't really play modern FPS's properly without a mouse. KB+mouse is perfect for FPS games, it makes looking around and turning that much easier.

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  On 5/16/2001 at 10:50 PM, fodders said:

Check mouse and modem are not using same irq


A lot of deviceds nowadays share IRQ's using bus mastering, and anyway, mice and modems wouldn't use the same IRQ unless you specifically steered them to do so.

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this happened to me..you have to select a button for forward even if you dont have a 3 button mouse...i have a two button and set the (imaginary) middle button to forward and it has worked since

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  On 5/17/2001 at 6:13 PM, Lüt said:

I need the arrows to control the player! Why else? Can't have him bumbling all over the place with a mouse. Try and navigate The Chasm with a mouse, I dare you.


Strange Doom looks for a cyberman mouse driver on startup

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  On 5/17/2001 at 5:41 PM, NiGHTMARE said:

Umm, how can you play an FPS with freelook WITHOUT a mouse? Please god don't say you use a joystick =p

Anyway, I think all those people willing thousands in game tourneys (i.e. the best players in the world) would disagree with your sentiments... ;)

Also, if mice aren't for FPS's, why is there a mouse specifically designed with FPS's in mind? Try the Razor Boomslang in Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, or whatever, and I think you'll find yourself eating your words :)


I play all my FPS games without a mouse. I use a Logitech trackball. =)

There's nothing wrong with joysticks so long as you use one geared for FPS games. Some of them have strafe buttons so you just use the analog stick for freelooking. I sure as hell could never get used to one, though. My trackball has worked great thus far.

Soon enough I'm going to swap that amazing thing for a Microsoft Intelleye thingamabobber. You know, that mouse with the evil red glow and two more buttons on the sides. I'm sure I can make good use of those, such as weapon rings (Turok, Undying) and other functions (Select the Translocator, for example).

I would buy a Razor Boomslang except for a few main points:
#1 It's too damned expensive.
#2 It's too damned heavy for a mouse.
#3 It's improperly balanced, all the weight is on one end.
#4 It doesn't have enough buttons.

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Be careful about getting ms optical, in games like Doom it screws up, seems info from Microsoft(spit) informs me "the mouse has a sensitivity of only 14" per second, if you move it faster than that, and I sure as hell do in a DM it can't keep up

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14 what? Inches?

Where else the hell am I going to get a two button mouse with a wheel (that can be clicked as a third button) and two perphiral buttons on the sides?!


Oh well, I suppose I could always just go for that cool Logitech ball mouse that has a thumb button.... I guess. It's not quite the same, though, I was really hoping to have five buttons, not four... *sniff*

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  On 5/17/2001 at 1:58 PM, Lüt said:

Absolutely not. Mice are NOT for FPS's, kthxbye.


OK, now I have enough proof to judge you for crimes against Humanity.

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  On 5/17/2001 at 7:05 PM, GavinJCD said:

A lot of deviceds nowadays share IRQ's using bus mastering, and anyway, mice and modems wouldn't use the same IRQ unless you specifically steered them to do so.


If mouse is on com2 and modem com4, com4 is a virtual port and sometimes shares irq of com2

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Yes that's true, but that only happenes when you specifically steer them to com 2 and 4, under normal circumstances it won't happen.

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  On 5/17/2001 at 10:43 PM, deadnail said:

14 what? Inches?

Where else the hell am I going to get a two button mouse with a wheel (that can be clicked as a third button) and two perphiral buttons on the sides?!


Oh well, I suppose I could always just go for that cool Logitech ball mouse that has a thumb button.... I guess. It's not quite the same, though, I was really hoping to have five buttons, not four... *sniff*


I've got the mouse you're talking about, and it's damned cool :) Doesn't screw up in anything... Although the red glow is annoying when I'm lying in bed and I forgot to power the computer down =p

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  On 5/17/2001 at 5:41 PM, NiGHTMARE said:

Umm, how can you play an FPS with freelook WITHOUT a mouse? Please god don't say you use a joystick =p


Oops, I misread that. Simple: Delete (look down), End (center view), Page Down (look up). Right above my trusty arrow keys. I could look up and down in the time it takes to move my hand from the arrows to the mouse, and chances are somebody'll come along and blast me while I'm using the mouse to look around and I'll be dead by the time I get my fingers back on the arrows to run away. Silly huh?

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  On 5/18/2001 at 7:39 AM, Lüt said:

I could look up and down in the time it takes to move my hand from the arrows to the mouse, and chances are somebody'll come along and blast me while I'm using the mouse to look around and I'll be dea


You DO realise that you're s'posed to use mouse in one hand and keys in other don't you? :)

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Yeah, so I'd have my left hand on the keyboard for stuff like fire, run, strafe, use, view map, auto-run on/off, alternating weapons, etc. and the right hand moving between the mouse and arrow keys for movement and look up/down... easier to just use the keyboard for movement and look up/down.

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  On 5/18/2001 at 6:51 AM, GavinJCD said:

Yes that's true, but that only happenes when you specifically steer them to com 2 and 4, under normal circumstances it won't happen.


All the PCI modems I use steal Com5. What the hell is that? Com3 and Com4 are readily available. Worthless crap. At least it's not my computer they do that on. Not like it makes a difference anyways but my boss always complains about it.

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