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ok i just got the game duke nukem time to kill for abou 9 dollars. well my mom said almost every thing to try and stop me from playing it. she even tells me that i can not play it when her boyfriend is over, fuck that i will play when i feel like it. seems like she has been brainwashed by that post columbine propaganda. hell games dont cause problems, more problems come from propaganda mags like YM and seventeen and all that boy/girl band shit, it seems more like nazi propaganda because it tells us what the perfect human looks like. i grow tired of this anti-game bullshit i will play what i want because i can buy it. it would be like me telling her not to buy beer when she is over 21

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Yeah, well, as a gamer I would feel that to be an injustice.

As a person, I think you're being pretty self centered. You are in HER hous, eating HER food, therefore, you put up with her EVERY whim.

She says no games? Then guess what, no games. It's just motivation for you to grow up and move out as fast as possible! =)

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Guest fraggle`

I read some of the official columbine report the other day (which I believe has just been released). There was very little mention of video games being to blame at all - infact I didnt see them mentioned at all

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Guest DeadNails
  On 5/20/2001 at 11:54 PM, deadnail said:

Yeah, well, as a gamer I would feel that to be an injustice.

As a person, I think you're being pretty self centered. You are in HER hous, eating HER food, therefore, you put up with her EVERY whim.

She says no games? Then guess what, no games. It's just motivation for you to grow up and move out as fast as possible! =)


Yeh you tell him dude :)

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Guest ZarcyB


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  On 5/21/2001 at 3:55 PM, ZarcyB said:



NO 'HEH'ING! It angers Zaldron! Hide!

/mm leaps under a couch and hides

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  On 5/20/2001 at 11:54 PM, deadnail said:

Yeah, well, as a gamer I would feel that to be an injustice.

As a person, I think you're being pretty self centered. You are in HER hous, eating HER food, therefore, you put up with her EVERY whim.

She says no games? Then guess what, no games. It's just motivation for you to grow up and move out as fast as possible! =)


yea i know and i would rather live in the streets but i want to go to college so she will just have to deal with it till then

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