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Times to play......................

Guest Zchingo

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Guest Zchingo

Does anyone in here have certain preferences on times of the day to play certain episodes on Ultimate Doom? For me:

Knee-Deep in the Dead = Morning to mid-afternoon(brightest light and less scary; music actually fits better for that mood too)

Shores of Hell = Evening to middle of the night (creepiest episode of all: dark, scary music, monsters can creep up on you from out of nowhere)

Inferno = Morning only (even brighter than Epi 1, even the music sounds better [the new tracks at least])

Thy Flesh Consumed = Late afternoon (the sky says it all)

I know this is kind of a dumb question and topic to post about, but I just had to ask. Post your replies below. Thanks. Bye.

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Guest fraggle`

i have nothing to say.

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I always like to do anything immersive such as Doom, other games, movies, etc. at night.

That doesn't mean I'm not scared of you though.

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Guest stphrz'
fraggle` said:

i have nothing to say.

That's right.

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Arioch said:

"My indifference to everything shows how cool I am"

I don't play Ultimate Doom over and over again so I really can't answer that. I play levels whenever I get the chance, I mean you waste away a whole day that you could be playing doom just to play it at night?

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Arioch said:

"My indifference to everything shows how cool I am"

Quiet, news bitch :P

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Lüt said:

I always like to do anything immersive such as Doom, other games, movies, etc. at night.

That doesn't mean I'm not scared of you though.

I second that. No phones, no brothers, no parents, no interruptions...

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