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How to be a personality on the DW Forums...

Guest Malachai

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Guest Malachai

I'm sure as hell not going to try to give pointers on how to become the person everyone remembers and misses (they inevitably get pissy and "leave") here on the Doomworld Forum(s). A few names come to mind right now...Like Deadnail's detached philosphical and cynical POV, Lut's (um, playful?) cynicism and sarcasm, Arioch's wit, DooMBoy's writing knack, and Linguica's...ah hell, Linguica is something else entirely. Oh well, I think this forum's great and entertaining to read from too. The people on it all have unique personalities and I'm happy some newbies are coming in on occasion. Despite the several whiners that are on here, I'm still pleased with the Doom/Forum community. I just hope I can post and respond consistently and entertainingly enough to be considered a personality all my own, turn a few heads, and return some intelligent (for once) thoughts back to the Doom community I like so much.

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Heh. he is a portegeuse sausage. mmmm. I like to suck on sausage...i mean eat it ;) <--hint lingy boy

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Malachai said:

How to be a personality on the DW Forums


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Guest ZarcyB


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Guest Nuno Correia
Ralphis said:

Heh. he is a portegeuse sausage. mmmm. I like to suck on sausage...i mean eat it ;) <--hint lingy boy

heh, you faggot! It's spelled Portuguese.

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Guest Nuno Correia
RTC_Marine said:



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Nuno Correia said:

heh, you faggot! It's spelled Portuguese.

he has insulted your country.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade


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Guest fraggle`

who are you and where have you appeared from suddenly?

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Detached and cynical point of view, eh? Why in the hell was I first in this list? Why wasn't Mewse included? Or MacVileWhore and the drawn out coffee gag? How about Mordeth (tumbleweed rolls across the floor)?

Pfft, like I'm cynical or anything. Jesus tapdancing Christ on steel wheels, boy, the next fucker that capitalizes my nickname is going to have is IP assaulted.

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Or you could be an opinionated little shit that hardly posts.

Hmmm... that sounds familiar...


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Guest Cacodemon Leade


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The drug, doofus...

Unless that's what you meant. It would be like catching snowflakes on your tongue during winter, only so much better!

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Guest Nuno Correia
Ralphis said:


I mewsetwo kick your ass.

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Lüt said:

The drug, doofus...

Unless that's what you meant. It would be like catching snowflakes on your tongue during winter, only so much better!

Oooh, so you can NOT be a personality by dropping a big barrel of acid?

/Me *gently* throws away acid barrel.

/Stupid stereotypical DooM acid/waste barrel explodes on contact with the ground.

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Shaviro said:

he has insulted your country.

You must now embrace the Trial of Fire and choose your Duel weapon!!

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