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OK, there's probably a lot of people who are sick of me and my homepage already, but to the folks that don't know me because they don't spend much time in the Doom3 forum, here it is :

I have a homepage about Doom 3 (and a bit about the original Doom) at http://lordflathead.doomcenter.com . It's got a few little articles of mine (including a new one uploaded today about id Software), an article on realistic weapons by deadnail, and a big article about Doom 3's technology, written by Zaldron. That last one has gotten quite a bit of attention, and has showed up at Stomped, VoodooExtreme, numerous Doom sites and other places. If you haven't read it yet, now is the time.

Alright, I guess I better justify this shameless self-promotion with an actual comment about Doom... ehmm...

Alright, a question : in what areas did Duke Nukem 3D triumph over Doom, and in what areas did Doom triumph over Duke Nukem 3D ?

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Well I can't wank again this quick so I'll just answer your question.

Duke Nukem 3D Wins:
-Better engine (Slopes, doors, colored lights, interactivity)
-Better sound engine (I love that reverb effect in tunnels)
-Longer game with more intricate level design
-Better textures

Doom Wins:
-The game is more fun
-The game has more of a feeling, a more established location
-Better and more varied enemy design
-User levels are better handled (no duplicate tiles014.art)

Both games lose:
-The bosses are a joke at best

Lemme also add that I would like a Doom Source Port with an editor that will let me do texturing like I can in Build! I want to see it as I lay it down, and just mess with some keys to adjust lighting, flipping, scrolling, alla that funky stuff. It's high time we have it in Doom, dammit.

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The BUILD engine rules. I remember running it perfectly at 800x600 on a P166...

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Damn, I know! ZDoom already uses a piece of it for the slopes... they should take the texturing bit too! I want to be able to view my map in a perfect 3D preview and ajust all my textures EXACTLY like I want them, not hopping from editor to adjust a number or two, then back to Doom to see if it worked. Don't you agree?

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deadnail said:

Don't you agree?

Yes I do !!
I remember building levels with discotheques and restaurants with the BUILD-editor. That was sooooo easy.
Man, wouldn't it be nice if Doom3-editing would be just as easy?

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Disorder said:

Yes I do !!
I remember building levels with discotheques and restaurants with the BUILD-editor. That was sooooo easy.
Man, wouldn't it be nice if Doom3-editing would be just as easy?

Yeah, but we'll probably need fourteen college degrees to make a single BOX in that fucking engine, and I'll bet it'll take fifteen hours for that fucking box to compile.

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Jon said:

* Jon points at the FAQ

Leave him alone. Unlike some others whose names I won't mention, his page is interesting and useful.

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deadnail said:

Yeah, but we'll probably need fourteen college degrees to make a single BOX in that fucking engine, and I'll bet it'll take fifteen hours for that fucking box to compile.

That would absolutely suck.
I would like to hear Zaldron's opinion about Doom3-level-editing just to be sure though ;)

/me calls for Zaldron

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deadnail said:

Yeah, but we'll probably need fourteen college degrees to make a single BOX in that fucking engine, and I'll bet it'll take fifteen hours for that fucking box to compile.

First off, stop whining about mapping being so complicated. It's not.

And second, Doom3 maps will take a lot less time to compile than Quake 3 Arena. Slipped your mind ?

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Arioch said:

The BUILD engine rules. I remember running it perfectly at 800x600 on a P166...

Yeh I didn't find any other engine in that era that did high resolutions so well.

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Lord FlatHead said:

First off, stop whining about mapping being so complicated. It's not.

And second, Doom3 maps will take a lot less time to compile than Quake 3 Arena. Slipped your mind ?

"First off, stop whining about mapping being so complicated. It's not."

I can Doom and Duke map easily. I can't even figure out one of those fucking Quake or Unreal editors, and every time I try a fucking tutorial they skip a step or three or there's some other huge mistake and NOTHING HAPPENS.

"And second, Doom3 maps will take a lot less time to compile than Quake 3 Arena."

Whoopee, the lightmaps won't be necessary anymore. The VIS compile times will still be there I'm certian.

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Guest TheEternalVile
Lord FlatHead said:

First off, stop whining about mapping being so complicated. It's not.

And second, Doom3 maps will take a lot less time to compile than Quake 3 Arena. Slipped your mind ?

Its not hard its just that Doom map editors crash alot. DN3D's Build crashes, but it's very rare.

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Bloody hell, I can't use Build for longer than 5 minutes without it crashing on me. I get all kinds of weirdo errors in it too.

I make a box, with some vertices on the sides so I can join things later.

I make a box inside this box, and alt-s it so it's red. Now I go into the 3D editor and tint it lighter.

I go back to 2D and join the vertices so it's like I have a beam of light across the floor.

I play my little creation and that lighted sector is only visible from the west side... from the east it blinks in and out incessantly.

Build also crashes when I try to make more than 3 sectors inside of an existing sector.

Oh well, it still beats the fuck out of Worldcraft!

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Guest Stphrz'

I hope you are running build in Dos. It don't like Windows...

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Then guess what? I don't like Build.

I got too much shit on this P3 that I like to keep running to trap myself into the monoexecutional monopoly of the disk operating system.

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Fuck... I have a USB trackball, I couldn't even use that in DOS for God's sake... and Build relies on the pointing device quite a helluva lot.

Dos... pbbst. What the hell is this, 1992? There are better ways to do things. I'd sooner go into a Linux OS than DOS nowadays.

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deadnail said:

Damn, I know! ZDoom already uses a piece of it for the slopes... they should take the texturing bit too! I want to be able to view my map in a perfect 3D preview and ajust all my textures EXACTLY like I want them, not hopping from editor to adjust a number or two, then back to Doom to see if it worked. Don't you agree?

The serious sam editor updated the level as you add textures and lights, and you can view it in 3d from any location, or play the level right in the editor.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
deadnail said:

Well I can't wank again this quick so I'll just answer your question.

Duke Nukem 3D Wins:
-Better engine (Slopes, doors, colored lights, interactivity)
-Better sound engine (I love that reverb effect in tunnels)
-Longer game with more intricate level design
-Better textures

Doom Wins:
-The game is more fun
-The game has more of a feeling, a more established location
-Better and more varied enemy design
-User levels are better handled (no duplicate tiles014.art)

Both games lose:
-The bosses are a joke at best

Lemme also add that I would like a Doom Source Port with an editor that will let me do texturing like I can in Build! I want to see it as I lay it down, and just mess with some keys to adjust lighting, flipping, scrolling, alla that funky stuff. It's high time we have it in Doom, dammit.

Yeah, I just saw Ugh-Zan take the Spider Mastermind, the Baphomet, and the Cycloid Emperor and he has drop-kicked them.

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Arioch said:

Leave him alone. Unlike some others whose names I won't mention, his page is interesting and useful.

so now the strength of the rules applied are proportional to your observed lameness?

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Guest Stphrz'

Ya, but that doesn't help you any though! =]

heh. ;)

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