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DooM/Heretic Music

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All right-so which is better-Doom or Heretic music?

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Guest Krezy mAn

1 word,DOOM

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Doom, Hexen, Duke3D, Heretic, in that order. However, these are four majorly kickass midi soundtracks here.

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It all depends. Doom's music is perfect for Doom and Heretic's music is perfect for Heretic. They each take a little imagination to enjoy. I gotta agree with deadnail's order of games for out-of-context listening, except Duke3D, I've never played that one. I think the maps that go with the music in each game is what makes the different games' music equally enjoyable to listen to.

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deadnail said:

Doom, Hexen, Duke3D, Heretic, in that order. However, these are four majorly kickass midi soundtracks here.

Mmmh, I think Heretic goes before Duke3D. Duke3D had a very dim soundtrack. It might be good, but as "music" I think it didn't worked...Altough the main theme kicks major ass...

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Krezy mAn said:

1 word,DOOM

Your sig makes no sense :

x = romero + y = carmack = one hell of a game

So Carmack's just like adding romero and "y", whatever that is, and x is Carmack, wich oddly enough, it's some kind of game...

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Guest Krezy mAn

kiss my ass,zaldron x(romero)+y(carmack)= one hell of a game

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Guest Krezy mAn

zaldron-sorry bout that

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Personally, I like Heretic's music better than I do Doom's. Heretic's music just sounds better for some reason....

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Guest anim8r

Well, actually I like the ambience in all the games better than the music (sometimes). It gives a game more realism. (Lightning, rain, wolves howling, people screaming, you know....) I know, kinda off subject... heh

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