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stealth (hey deadnail?)

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Seems that this must've been thought of before, but because I haven't come across it yet, I am saying it again.

In doom, you can alert the monsters mearly by swinging your fist at the air. Since fists are such a paltry weapon, monsters shouldn't be able to hear it. So you can stealthily punch your baddies without alerting the whole lot of them. This would be great with berserk. One of these ports should implement silent fisting into the game.

For the record: I'm not retarted or retarded.

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Stealth punching? By chance did you just watch a movie called 'Ninja Fisting'? No, ahem, me neither.

Anyway, all the enemies in the level are in a dormant state until they see you or you fire your weapon around them. Fists count.

What good would stealth punching do anyway? Sure, just swinging your fist shouldn't alert them. I'm sure they can hear a demon getting the shit knocked out of it though. What about berserk? You think they won't hear a buddy getting hit so hard he EXPLODES?

'Silent Fisting'... that does remind me of a movie.

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I that I implied that very well without the need of directly saying it.

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deadnail said:

I that I implied that very well without the need of directly saying it.


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deadnail said:

I that I implied that very well without the need of directly saying it.

yes, you did :-) I figured someone would pick up on that :P

I think it would give the lesser weapon of fist an edge over the other real weapons.

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deadnail said:

Oh for the love of God not this aga... MEWSE

lol! Hah. I can resist the temptation to say mewse.


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deadnail said:

Oh for the love of God not this aga... MEWSE


<Cacodemon> no now go away

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Guest fraggle`

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb
Operator: We get signal
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us
Cats: You are on the way to destruction
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Captain: Take off every 'zig'
Captain: You know what you doing
Captain: Move 'zig'
Captain: For great justice

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Hmm, I dunno if the berserk would get the muscles in your forearm that do the tendons that do grip... but you would probably yank the lil' bassrad right off without even noticing it... until your arm swung back up and you stabbed yourself in the eye.

Now *THAT* is a confusing obituary.

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Guest ZarcyB
fraggle` said:

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb
Operator: We get signal
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us
Cats: You are on the way to destruction
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Captain: Take off every 'zig'
Captain: You know what you doing
Captain: Move 'zig'
Captain: For great justice

In A.D. 2101
Mewse was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the mewse
Operator: We get mewse
Captain: What !
Operator: Main mewse turn on
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your mewse are belong to mewse
Cats: You are on the way to mewse
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Captain: Take off every 'mewse'
Captain: You know what you doing
Captain: Move 'mewse'
Captain: For great mewse

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Linguica said:

If you used a berserk and started whacking off, would your penis explode?


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