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I am ready to continue working on our project.

Sorry for the long hyatus. My editing inspiration comes in waves and the sytle in which I like to edit in varies as well. Now that I am in e3 style, I say we take advantage if you are still up to finishing this project. (I do trust you have not deleted your wads)

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Guest fraggle`


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Well, I'd rather not spam his email box. Emailing him would force him to write a reply to not appear rude. If he doesn't reply to this post, it's no biggy. I know I'm not as good of a level designer as he is, so if he doesn't want to continue it, I will understand.

I guess that isn't really a reason why I didn't use email. I guess if everyone sees it, maybe someone else who wants to help me make an e3 style episode will reply.

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Guest fraggle`

you'd rather not spam his email box so you'd rather spam the forum. great. next time just email him.

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  On 5/30/2001 at 5:06 PM, fraggle` said:

you'd rather not spam his email box so you'd rather spam the forum. great. next time just email him.


Looks like Ling took his title away just a bit too early ;)

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