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Are you a real community member ?

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I'm just wondering how many really members the Doom community has at this time.

So I'm definitively NOT mean you, if you only visit this place once a week !

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Well I dunno, somehow I've managed to get quite well-known quite fast on the Doom scene. Basically shows that if you post enough crap in forums, have a halfway decent homepage and show off your l33t q3radiant skills in a Quake mod, you can get relatively well known in a very short time.

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Well, I come here off and on. But I consider myself a member for sure. I am a real bonafied member. Yes sir, a member indeed. I am.

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I've been in the Doom scene since 96, although it was all localized until about a year ago when I stumbled into the still bustling net community.

I guess I'm an active member, I'm still making levels for it (or at least trying anyway).

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Lord FlatHead said:

Well I dunno, somehow I've managed to get quite well-known quite fast on the Doom scene. Basically shows that if you post enough crap in forums, have a halfway decent homepage and show off your l33t q3radiant skills in a Quake mod, you can get relatively well known in a very short time.

Well, I don't have a fucking clue who you are.


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Lord FlatHead said:

Well I dunno, somehow I've managed to get quite well-known quite fast on the Doom scene. Basically shows that if you post enough crap in forums, have a halfway decent homepage and show off your l33t q

That's because you're so great at making an ass of yourself.

See pickle_hammer, esco, Cock-o-demon Bleeder...

@esco off

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IMO you needn't post in these forums in order to be a community member ...

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Hellbent said:

Well, I come here off and on. But I consider myself a member for sure. I am a real bonafied member. Yes sir, a member indeed. I am.

member (n.) 1) one who belongs to a group; 2) see PENIS

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Guest mantraSaucy

what community?

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AdamW said:

Well, I don't have a fucking clue who you are.


I've been around Doom since before Doom 2. To Doomworld, I registered on this board Fri 2 Mar 2001 18:37.

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TheProphet said:

I'm a daily visitor since 10/99 (I think that's when I first discovered the site).

Thu 22 Jun 2000 6:3 is the correct kept time.

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I'm definitely a member. I'm here quite a bit. I check out the forum about 4 times a day. I would like to believe that I've contributed a lot to the community.

By the way, though I'm here a lot, I don't reply much lately. Nothing is that interesting around here lately. We need Esco!

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I visit doomworld EVERY day. So I guess you could say I'm a real community member...

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Guest Liam the Bard

I've been visiting here every day possible since last year but I don't post often. Usually I don't have anything to say that nobody else has already said.

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Sorry was my fault:

I don't wanted it making depend on how often do you use these forums.

I just want to know how many really "active" members are out there.

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I've been here since Dec 20, 2000 so I've been here awhile. (MOSTLY) everybody seems to like my writings I put up. I go here EVERY day after school, and sometimes AT school. So, yeah, you could say I'm a memeber of this community.

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King Elvis said:

Are you a real community member ?

Is this a conclusion that some of us are fake?

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Yeah, I'm fake. I'm a bot. Most of us here are bots, programmed by Linguica. You are the only real visitor of Doomworld. *g*

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Well, I visit every day (when I can), so I guess I would consider myself a member. Of course, I don't post (very) often, so I don't really know. Membership is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

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Lord FlatHead said:

The feeling's entirely mutual.

If you don't know who AdamW is, you're not a true member of the community :)

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Katgut said:

That's because you're so great at making an ass of yourself.

See pickle_hammer, esco, Cock-o-demon Bleeder...

@esco off

Look who's talkin' about fools; some little wanna be fag like you! Fuckin' moron.

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Guest Adriannus

I've been playing Doom since it's been out. And I learned about the Doomworld website not too long since it was put up. So I guess in terms of time at Doomworld, I'm a real, live member. But Arioch's right. You don't have to post to be a member.

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Guest kristus

I've been here for atleast 3.5 years. before that I didn't have internet-

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I've been visiting this site for a long time. Why? I have no idea, I guess I was bored. Anyway, I kinda stopped visiting this place until DooM 3 was announced (I don't play DooM THAT often like you people).

I've been in the DooM 3 forums for a long time, but only started posting in August 2000. I never posted here because there's no real interest in talking about a simple old FPS. After finding there's a lot more flames and idiocy here (fun stuff), I started posting here too.

What I have done for the community? That article on tech, I guess. DooM's not the greatest modding base IMO...

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If you don't know who AdamW is, you're not a true member of the community :)


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