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I think I am.

I've been an extremely lazy member for the last year or so, but still a member.

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esco said:

Look who's talkin' about fools; some little wanna be fag like you! Fuckin' moron.

I'm not a wanna-be. I've never wanted to be, and I'm not planning on being.

And now, for a little song...

I stick to the sidelines where I run the show,
I tell you what you don't want to hear,
I make you into everything that has gone before,
And I've decided that Cacodemon Leader is into necrophilia with dolphins and your mom, Esco.

Oh, damnit, that didn't rhyme. Whoops. :->

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Katgut said:

And I've decided that Cacodemon Leader is into necrophilia with dolphins and your mom, Esco.

Great lyrics.
So when is the album coming out?

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Guest Dest-X

Ive been posting/reading these forums for over a year now, and hanging around in the various doom irc channels etc
sure, I havent released any projects, but I think im part of the community.

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Lazer said:

Thu 22 Jun 2000 6:3 is the correct kept time.

No, that's when I registered on the forums.

10/99 was the time that I got on the internet. Doomworld was one of the first sites I found, and I'm still visiting it many times a day.

BTW: The forums weren't there in 1999, btw - they were created when Doomnation closed

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esco said:

Look who's talkin' about fools; some little wanna be fag like you! Fuckin' moron.

you calling someone a moron?
isnt that kinda like Richard Simmons calling someone a fag?
or maonth saying someone elses project sucks

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
Katgut said:

Cock-o-demon Bleeder...

Excuse me, Katgut! Do you always have to insult me like that? Jesus Christ, you are even worse than Ralphis!

Anyways I stick around these forums like glue and reload the page from time to time to see if they have any new posts in them. I don't do ICQ though, for I would imagine how annoyed I would get!! Come on, if I get flamed back I go nuts! I have already had that much trouble from Superman Is Dead on the GBD2 Forums, though he isn't like that anymore.

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Guest Nuno Correia
esco said:

Look who's talkin' about fools; some little wanna be fag like you! Fuckin' moron.

Eat shit and die, you horribly ugly mother fucker!

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Guest Cacodemon Leade
Katgut said:

And I've decided that Cacodemon Leader is into necrophilia with dolphins and your mom, Esco.


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