DooMBoy Posted May 30, 2001 Nervous and sweating, you wait, tense, for the monster. You nearly drop your Chaingun when you hear the "Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank!" of the giant monster's hooves on the metallic floor of the starbase. The creature steps around the corner, sees you, and lets loose with a tremendous, bloodcurling roar. "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" You look up just in time to see the thing point its RL at you, but you don't have time to dodge the rocket headed your way. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The rocket hits you, and you splatter all the walls and floor. /me hits the Spacebar and tries again 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted May 30, 2001 You did it again Doomboy! You have done another kick-ass short story. It really fits in well with the title, since the Cyberdemon has a rocket launcher for an arm. It is actually possible to get killed by a single rocket in DOOM on Ultra-Violence. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 30, 2001 Shaviro said:You got the stupid post. heh. I bet the next one will be brilliantly titled, "You got the Plasma Rifle!" 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted May 30, 2001 ralphis said:heh. I bet the next one will be brilliantly titled, "You got the Plasma Rifle!" Actually, it would be "You got the Plasma Gun!" 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest ZarcyB Posted May 30, 2001 Or "You beat the shit out of Cacodemon Leader with his mom's dick" 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted May 30, 2001 STOP THAT ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted May 30, 2001 Why stop it? My advice to make us stop is, walk to the nearest bridge, tie an anvil to your legs, and jump in. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Cacodemon Leade Posted May 30, 2001 Enough of that Fuckin Crap you Wank! 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted May 30, 2001 You complain about flaming and then do it yourself? Sheer hypocrisy. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted May 30, 2001 ralphis said:heh. I bet the next one will be brilliantly titled, "You got the Plasma Rifle!" Actually, it will be called, "People who flame people who put up good posts because they have nothing else to do." I suppose YOU could do better writing? I strongly doubt it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest fraggle` Posted May 30, 2001 ralphis said:Why stop it? My advice to make us stop is, walk to the nearest bridge, tie an anvil to your legs, and jump in. leave the guy alone already. geez... 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted May 30, 2001 You wander down the dark,steel tunnel of the moon base,woundering what is lurking in the shadows.You begin to breath deep and you begin to shake.You equip your 12 gauge shotgun and aim it at the darkness beyond.Just than you hear a deep,disgusting."Huh?" you blubber out as you squint your eyes.A large bulky,horned creature lashes out at you with it slobbering mouth ready to render you with it's teeth. You jump back and pull the trigger catching it in the chest,it sqeals and roars in pain,but it doesent go down.You've made the creature madder now and more hungrier for your flesh. "Die mother fucker!" you roar out as you pump the shotgun and let another blast into it's hideous mouth and it goes down gurgling.Thick,red blood runs out of it's chest wounds and its mouth,where it's jaw was blown off. You stumble back up to your feet and you wipe the blood off of your face and you continue onwards into the corridor.A large,metalic door with a blue trim stands before you.You grab the blue keycard and you activate the door security system."Click" the doors lock let out. The moment the door opens,a cyberdemon greets you with a rocket launcher.It fires to fast,and your to slow to dodge and than"ka-booom!".Your body is shredded by the sheer force of the rocket.Your entrails splatter,bones fly into the air,blood covers the walls red and your remains lay in a pile of smoking flesh and blood. The cyberdemon stands majecstically in front of you still,with it's terrifying grin and red blazing eyes. "Damn you!",you bitch,whine,moan and complain as you press the space bar repeatedly as the screen melts and your back at the start once again,armed with a pistol and fifty rounds.Now go back finish off what you couldent do in the first place! 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 31, 2001 DooMBoy said:I am gay Oh my god... You are, Doomboy? 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted May 31, 2001 Tower Of Babel You find yourself in a small, stone room. You look about your surroundings and get the feeling something horrible awaits. You're not sure why, but you feel your doom is imminent. No previous confrontation could possibly prepare you for what surely awaits outside this room. Inside, a thick stench of rotting flesh fills the air. Four decomposing Barons of Hell hang on the walls of the cramped room. You pick up the mega armor lying on the stony ground in front of you. At least this will provide some protection against whatever awaits beyond these tower walls. There is a small pillar in the center of the room with four switches on it. Cautiously you hit one of the four switches and wait for the hand of hell to flatten you. But all you see are some steps rise on the other side of the room. You hit the next switch and wait with intense apprehension. The same thing. A little more relaxed, you hit the third switch. Some more steps rise. You approach the fourth and final switch with heightened awareness. No tricks here; the last set of steps rise to meet the wall. You walk toward one of the sets of steps. Your heart skips a beat when the wall in front of you suddenly rises. Ahead of you lies a sea of rockets. Quickly you dart through the doorway, grab as many rockets as you can and quickly return to the safe, stinking room before the door shuts behind you. You've managed to secure 40 rockets... not bad. You approach the second set of steps. As soon as the door opens you take no time to hesitate. You rush into the room. This time 4 boxes of rockets and a soul sphere. Frantically you grab the soul sphere and two boxes of rockets. While spinning around to race back toward the door you trip and smack your head against the cold, white stones. Dazed, you lie there for a second, momentarily disoriented. When you come to, you see the door starting to close. You scramble to your feet and dive under the door just in time. The door slams closed behind you, but you made it back inside the safe, stinking room. You lay on the floor a moment to catch your breath. Ahh, fully loaded with health, armor and rockets. Now all you need is the rocket launcher. But first you must take a breather to collect your wits. You rest your back against the pillar of switches. Two more mad dashes to make. Hopefully behind the next door will be a rocket launcher. 50 rockets and no rocket launcher doesn't do you much good. You get to your feet and walk slowly up the third set of steps. Inside are four more cases of rockets and a soul sphere. Damn. You walk up the last set of stairs, fingers crossed. The door opens and there before you you see four boxes of rockets and a rocket launcher. No need to rush into the room now, you won't be going back into your safe, stinking room again. It's time to face whatever lies outside the Tower of Babel. You slowly walk into the room and pick up the rocket launcher. The door closes behind you. You try to open it just to make sure you aren't locked out for good. No luck. Before you some lost souls dance about. You fire a few rockets their way to rid the pesky fire flies. As soon as the first rocket explodes on contact with the lost soul, you hear a deep thumping sound all around you. You dash back inside the area where the rocket launcher was, pressing your back against the door you came out of. WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP. You listen intently to discern what direction the beast is moving. The thumping gets louder. WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP. It's coming from your left. You slowly side step outside again, facing the direction from which you expect to see the monster come. You slowly start walking. WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP. The stomping reverberates through your rocket launcher and throughout your entire body. Then, as if out of nowhere, with no warning, the massive beast shows itself: part machine, part monster, it comes roaring around the bend shooting rockets at you. You strafe to your left and watch the rockets wizz by you. You then return the favor and let loose ten rockets, one after another. Only two rockets hit him. You get a little closer, dodging rockets left and right and let loose another torrent of rockets. This time six hit him. Then suddenly you hear a deafening explosion. You feel as if a freight train has just run into you. Bloodied and blinded you stagger backward. Stumbling as fast as one can stumble, you make your way toward the tower again in an attempt to get clear of the reign of rockets, lest you be hit again. Damn, that son of a bitch bastard shredded more than half your health and armor with one bloody rocket. Fear no longer fills you. It has been replaced with white rage. No time to waste, where was that other soul sphere? You start stumbling backward, past where you got the rocket launcher. You come up on your left where you got the first soul sphere. You grab a couple boxes of rockets that you had not gotten earlier, and keep going. You come up to the next cache, and find the soul sphere waiting for you. You quickly grab it and immediately feel top once again. Now, time to annihilate that son of a bitch. It's not long before you hear his deafening footsteps pounding through you once again. WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP. But this time you run to face the music, shooting rockets as fast as your bloody rocket launcher will allow. You begin to anticipate his moves, and your accuracy goes up to 40%. You make sure to account for every rocket that leaves his arm. Strafe, shoot, strafe, shoot, strafe, shoot. You are beginning to make some headway. You start getting too close to the marble pillars that are scattered throughout the demon's lair. You watch as rockets fly by you, one after another, getting closer and closer to you. Thinking you're clear of the impending danger, you keep your position. As long as the rockets don't hit you, you'll be fine. But as the rockets got closer and closer, one rocket smacked right into the pillar you were resting against, sending you flying. You are able to recover quickly, though, as it was not a direct hit. Keeping your wares about the pillars and staying up on the rockets fired, you are beginning to get the knack of fighting this monstrous bastard. But you are getting low on rockets, only 6 more left and the stash of rockets you had raided earlier lies just beyond the demon. You're going to have to run right past him to get to the rockets. You run full speed at him, slowly working your way left. The demon's deafening hooves shaking the ground beneath you. All you can hear is the WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP, WA-THUMP of his hooves colliding with the ground and the epxloding of the rockets on the tower wall. You can feel the vacuous pull of each rocket as it screams past you. You hear the last three rockets crash into the wall just to your left as you narrowly escape their terror into the small entrance of the rocket cache. Safe once again. There should be enough rockets here to finish him off. You grab the remaining rockets as fast as you can, and turn to leave only to behold the giant goat legged monstrasite in all his glory standing before you with a barrage of rockets streaming from his rocket launching arm. You leap to your right with all the force you can muster. You feel the explosions reverberating inside the room as the rockets slam into the wall. The splash damage sends you into temporary shock and renders your remaining armor useless. Then another three rockets slam into the wall. With no more armor, your health is deriorating fast. Screaming with pain and blinding rage, you strafe left into the line of fire and open up your rocket launcher one last time. But only one rocket left your rocket launcher's snout before another three rockets plastered you all over the Tower of Babel wall reducing you to no more than a steaming heap of hamburger flambĂȘ. - No one messes with the Cyberdemon Lord. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted May 31, 2001 You enter the small room. In front of you lie three dead Imps, each platered to the wall in a grotesque form. Well, at least they're dead already, you think with some relief. You see a Doubel-Barrel Shotgun lying in the southwest corner of the samll room and pick it up. Anticipating the worst, you quickly dash backward, and open the door that lead into the room. Back outside again, and you sense all is not as peaceful as it might seem. You don't HEAR anything right now, but if you make a wrong move, or do something stupid, you could wind up with that DB Shotgun twisted into a pretzel and rammed up your anus sideways. Suddenly you hear a small rustling noisse to your right. You ever-so-cautiously walk over to the wall to where the sound's coming from. You slowly walk to the edge of the wall, and jump out in front of whtever's lurking there behind the wall. You don't see anything. You hear a bellowing roar, and look up in time to see a 71/2 tall Baron of Hell jump down right in front of you. The thing smacks the snot out of you, and sends your DB Shotgun flying, leaving you with only fists. You haul off and deck the thing in its gut, but you might as well have not even hit the thing, for it shakes head, and lets out another thundering roar. The thing smacks yoiu again with giant hand, and sends you sprawling. Then you notice the DBS lying on the ground close to you. You snatch it up, and let the creature have in the chest. The thing screams in pain, and throws a Plasma Ball down at you. You don't have time to move, so you're basically done for.... 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted May 31, 2001 Cacodemon Leade said:Actually, it would be "You got the Plasma Gun!" Why's that? 0 Share this post Link to post
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