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SmarterChild has been murdered!

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They killed SmarterChild!

I go to find out who won the soccer match and I get this message:

SmarterChild has accomplished his first mission and is moving on. Check smarterchild.com to find out where he has gone, and where he will be going.

Yea, he's gone alright. But that's where it ends. He has buddies, but none of them are general topic, like he was. Most fo them are teen specific. Except for Agent Reuters or something but he only serves MSN. Maybe someone can tell me who won this morning's game?

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He's a bot that goes in your buddy list on chat programs like MSN Messanger and AIM. He had all the frickin' info you could ever want. He was awesome. Now they've got ElleTeenBuddy for all your girly teen fashion needs......

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no waiting for bs and crappy web pages to load, just fire up aim and have it in 2 secs. oh well, i guess CNN it is from now on :(

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It's not like SmarterChild was the only AIM bot out there. Do a Google or Yahoo search if you're desperate for a synthetic personality to talk to. Me, I get enough dull, automatic, thoughtless responses from customers at my work.

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You know, folks, you could try "talking" (e.g., moving the mouth, teeth, and tongue in order to form words to be used in conversation) to another human being.
I'm sure some of you have lost this form of communication, but just try and see, hmm?

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