Guest Emperor Spleen Posted June 2, 2001 I'm playing through Doom II again with the benefit of Doom Legacy and a Soundblaster 128. And on 'Hurt me plenty' mode, as before I used to play it on the lowest level. Anyway, at each of the points where I get a bit of plot (i.e. just before Dead Simple, and between Circle Of Death and The Factory) I lose all my weapons. Is this meant to happen? It was alright on Dead Simple, but it's difficult taking on those spiders with only 8 shotgun shells. It certainly didn't happen when I used to play Doom II - of course, it could have been because of the difficulty level. Also, while I was playing The Crusher, part of the level seemed entirely different. I'm sure that the blue key used to be on the crusher itself. This time I had to jump off the top of the lift to that ledge where there's all those cages containing Imps. I even went back and played Doom II with the original launcher on I'm Too Young To Die, and the blue key was still there. Is my memory faulty? 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted June 2, 2001 hmm... the key moves in different difficulties. the resetting of weapons... that shouldn't happen. problem with legacy? i'm not sure (i don't use legacy), but it may be some option to reset the weapons instead of a glitch. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheProphet Posted June 2, 2001 Well, you loose all weapons if you die. The idea may sound a bit dumb, but maybe you died without noticing it? 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted June 2, 2001 im not sure i it happens in doom2 but in doom 1 when you finishedf an episode you lost every thing and had to start all over on a new one...anyway, when you playded simple can't you just run up to the eyeball switch an press it? he first time i played it without codes i just walked right up and prerssed it and it was over in exactly 4 seconds. and i said "heh, they werent joking." 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted June 3, 2001 Sounds like some goofy legacy bug. I use v1.28 all the time, no problems there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katgut Posted June 3, 2001 Emperor Spleen said:[snip]Also, while I was playing The Crusher, part of the level seemed entirely different. I'm sure that the blue key used to be on the crusher itself. This time I had to jump off the top of the li Your memory is faulty. It's always been on that side tower. The crusher has a PLASMA GUN. You hear me? A PLASMA GUN. And Legacy sucks. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted June 3, 2001 Wow, what a strange problem. I've been addicted to TNT: Evilution lately, but I can tell you that the blue key isn't on the crusher itself (with the Spidermastermind). And I'm not sure if the keys move at different difficulties since I always play at UV. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Xian Posted June 5, 2001 yes it IS supposed to happen, at least on the DOS 1.2 original version Really, thats why there is a shotgun right next to you in the factory 0 Share this post Link to post
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