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Some editing tips.

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Couple things I've discovered in my years of editing. One I discovered recently I will not disclose until a later date. The other isn't too spectacular, but if you weren't aware of it, it might provide you with some new ideas for a level. If you make a hallway that is outside of the level with an imp in it and at the end of the hallway there is a door, but right before the door is a pit that's floor is rising to meet highest adjacent floor and the sector that is a door at the end of this hallway is also a door inside the level: this allows you to have doors opening and closing at random and does not requir an advanced source port.

If that made less sense than my signature, please reply and I will try to clarify.

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Ok... You make a dummy hallway. This hallway has a door in it. There is nothing behind the door except 24 length stretch of hallway. So you got a hallway, a door and then the hallway ends. The sector that is a door in this hallway is the *same* sector as a door in the real level. So whenever the imp walks into the door, the door opens inside the level for no seemingly explicable reason.

The purpose of the pit is to allow a delay before the imp starts opening the "possessed" door. Let's say you want to make a secret door open four minutes and 32 seconds into the level. You can do this, or at any specific time you want it to start opening. Just make a really deep pit in the imp hallway before the door. Have a linedef make the pit start rising. When the pit reaches the height of the adjacent floors, the imp will be able to open the door.

To make the imp active, just make the sector he is in (the hallway) the same sector as a sector in the level, since everything in entire sectors get awoken when gun shot is fired.

'Head still hurt?

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This is an interesting idea. But it also makes it impossible for the player to get 100% kills, so you should attach a crusher to the sector where the imp is in, that is activated soon before the level ends (but not too late, since it will take some time before the imp dies).

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Hellbent said:

If the door butts right up against the pit, the imp will be able to open it at all times if it thinks the player is on the other side.

But this is nothing compared to my use of void space as a monster cache... :->

And yes, my head still hurts, but that's not because of you.


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TheProphet said:

This is an interesting idea. But it also makes it impossible for the player to get 100% kills, so you should attach a crusher to the sector where the imp is in, that is activated soon before the level ends (but not too late, since it will take some time before the imp dies).

Profit: Yep, that is one way of doing it. You could also use a lost soul, as some source ports don't count em as monsters because of the pain elementals.

Katgut: Then the door woulnd't be right up against the pit. I don't see how that would make a difference though. If the pit is 128 wide, the imp will not be able to cross it to get to the door. I don't really understand what you are saying there.

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Yeah I get it:

The imp or whatever it's going to be will be trapped in that "dummy room" and will trigger the door. (Let's say the door is sector #1) Another door in the level itself has the same sector number, and when the monster opens the door, the door in the main part of the level will open as well.

Good idea, but what will its purpose be? Why would you want a door that opens at random (if it works correctly)?

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Zeratul 982 said:

Good idea, but what will its purpose be? Why would you want a door that opens at random (if it works correctly)?

To annoy the hell out of the player?

Return To Phobos, E1M5 - the sticky door. Much more fun.

Combine that with this and... uh... yeah.

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Lut, that WOULD improve your complexion, but we're not talking about that right now.

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