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Monster intro for the Imp

Guest bigbadgangsta

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The Imp howled in fury as the space marine entered the dark room.A light flickered in the corner as the marine opened the door.The Imp's demonic red eyes blazed like the fires of hell and it thrust its muscular arm forth casting a fireball into the musty air.The fireball found its mark on the marine's shoulder.He yelled in angush and he aimed his M-16a1 at the satanic beast and let loose a rain of bullets into its rough leathey hide.It bellowed in pain and fell to the floor with a thud.The holes in its corpse formed a puddle of blood on the floor.The marine panted as he entered the next room...

whatya think?

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Ok here is the Demon introDEMON

...The elevator creaked and groaned like thousands of the dying.The marine's decent into the abyss was a journey he was reluctanat to participate in.When the elevators trip had been completed the doors swung open.The room was brighter than many the marine had been in.He walked for what seemed like miles but in reality it was more like 5 feet.He peered over a ledge and spied a hideous looking creature with huge muscles and sharp horns potruding from its massive head that held a large open maw.The marine raised his shotgun and aimed.BLAM!The shotguns blast filled the air with thousands of deadly BBs from its buckshot.Many struck the monster's curved back.It roared in agony and rushed at the marine.What takes a shotgun blast and doesnt die the marine wondered.He loaded another shell and let loose another wave of death.The beast fell to the floor with a wet splat.The marine exhaled sharply and jumped down to continue his journey that held his unknown fate...

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bigbadgangsta said:

...The elevator creaked and groaned

In Doom it's called "a lift", nice to see English is upheld there :)

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Nope, first of all by this time the m-16a1 is obsolete... even now it is made obsolete by the M4 (which is actually just an AR-15 with a grenade launcher underneith it). Soon the OICW will make the M4 obsolete because it'll be mroe integrated and techy than the M4 (while the grenade launcher will be reduced from 40mm to 30mm, i heard it will have a *Clip* of grenades instead of just a plain o' single shot system [8 shots vs. 1 shot...]).

It'd be mroe impressive for the space marine to blow a hole in the imp with his shotgun, and then to his horror see the imp only stumble back a little and then charge again only to ahve yet another hole blown in it and then it stays down (we assume the marine didnt hit it with all the pellets of the blast).

And the marine's first encounter with an imp fireball should be more "memorable"

I propose that the marine gets hit by the fireball... it takes only a second for him to realize that it has splattered down into his armor and cries in a yelp of pain as he franticially scrapes and claws at the sticky goo to remove it from the recesses of his armor, he fires wildly at the imp seeing it blow back he focuses his attention to the burning hell that is his shoulder. He doesnt see the imp get up and lunge for him until it is almost upon him... where it carves a deep gouge out of his other arm, shocked the marine presses the muzzle of his shotgun into the imp's chin and blows it's head off...

The marine remembers a place where a small medical kit was located. He stumbles down the hall breathing heavily and trying to control his pain from reaching an auditory level. The medical kit provides little relif for his blackened and smoking shoulder that has received third degree burns. A dose of pain killer from the medical kit makes it bearable to put his shoulderpad back on and lets him concentrate on more important matters...

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Hellbent said:

Nice imagery. Now do the demon if you would.

it would make the game more lively. imean, i want to be with the
marine as he experiences this for the first time, and wonders "WTF IS GOING ON HERE". not like he's been there before. his reaction to pain and demons being dramatic would make it really neat.

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Soon the OICW will make the...

Ah, the memories of Immoral Conduct. It used to have an OICW in there with four modes but it no longer exists in today's current version of Immoral Conduct.

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