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Go there and click on "send a postcard to the president" and paste the following in the comments section.

For god's sakes. First you back out of the environmental protection treaty and now the nuclear arms reduction treaty as well? Unreal.... Stop being a llama and try to do something smart for once. I know smart isn't exactly your forte, so just listen to what the smart people think is best for the nation and you will do ok as president. 50 Nobel prize winners agree: building a stockpile of nuclear arms will create another arms race. When Russia and China have already agreed to the treaty to reduce nukes, why the hell won't the U.S. go along? First the Kyoto Protocol, now this? I know you smoked one too many crack pipes in college Bush, but come on!

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Im not an american but a Candian,well I dont got no Canadian blood in me,I just live here.But anyways,that was funny as hell and,oh yeah,I posted my comment about the level yah sent me,go check er out.

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whoah, thanks! I didn't think you'd like it that much. Do you think you could compare it to Sthprz' Shock Em Down? What you liked more about sthprz' what you liked more about mine (if anything)? Thanks again for the compliments.

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