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WAD is official

Guest PFCRon

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Guest PFCRon

I just need to find a place to upload it to. Do any of you guys know what I'm talking about? Refer back to that post I made as Zchingo about the "fortuitous" convo with PFCRon. By then, you might know what I'm talking about.

A downside though. It's not at ALL what I hoped it to be. Most of the levels for it are kinda choppy if you have a slow processor/not much RAM. What the hell, I think it's pretty good for a first try. Most of you might say when, or IF, you play it, is that 3 out of the 5 levels I made are the exact same, just with different starts.

Another fact you ought to know. Originally, I wanted this WAD to work with plain old vanilla DOOM ][, but unfortuneately that will not be the case. The first time I tried to run it in Doom95, it crashed. But when I ran it on ZDoom, it worked just fine. That made it UNofficially ZDoom specific. What made it OFFICIALLY ZDoom specific was when I decided to make some demos through ZDoom Launcher of me playing the levels and then inserting them into to game with WinTex. So, in a nutshell, it's for ZDoom only. It does run on PRBoom, but there's a place on one level where, if you're lucky, you won't have to jump (jump as in stationary jump, not running jump). But, if you get stuck, you're screwed. Plus it runs REALLY slow on there.

That's all for now, I'm almost finished with the story to go with it (it might make it more interesting). Until then, I'm gonna keep it at my computer for now and when I get my site going, I'll upload it SOMEWHERE!!!!!!! Keep DOOMing.

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Guest PFCRon

Thanks, now just one question...............HOW IN GOD'S NAME DO I UPLOAD?????????

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Guest PFCRon

Nevermind, after seeing requirement #3 in the WAD reqirements, I decided to ditch that site.

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