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You Got The BFG9000. Oh Yes!

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"Taggart...Come in....Over."
"I read you....Over.."
"It's safe to come inside....I think...We've kiled about 40 of these godawful creatures, whatever they are....it should be safe for you to enter....Over.."
"Roger that...Over and Out..."
You enter the base. You see all kinds of dead demons lying about, their evil blood splashed across the walls and ceiling. You see perforated entrails spewed all around the base, bothe demon and human. You are nearly sick. "Sergeant, wh-what happened here?", you stammer. "Corporal Taggart, those warp gates we've been working on-they apparently went haywire. They..just...ripped..OPEN-and these creatures you see here dead coming...POURING into the base..like an evil flood of some sort...." Your sergeant trails off. "Are...any of the other guys still alive?", you ask him. For a minute he doesn't respond, then he turns and looks at you. He doesn't speak, but the look in his eyes says it all. Everybody in the base except for you and your commanding officer, the Sarge, and several wounded soldiers, were killed. "Well...guess I'd better radio in some more re-enforcements.", you say weakly. "Yeah, you better", Sarge replies. Walking away from your commanding officer, you can't help but think about how they're going to clean that awful mess inside up.

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Let me guess.... the next one will be:
What the $^$&^% is this?

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Lazer said:

Let me guess.... the next one will be:
What the $^$&^% is this?

Nah. I'm thinking of something simple like "You got the Triple-Barreled, Quadruple-Bladed, BFG-destroying Ultra-Top-Secret-Nobody-Should See-It thingydobobber"

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CacodemonLeader said:

Oh Yes! The quality of DOOM Stories with weapon pickup messages started from DooMBoy. Your stories always scores.

Thanks, CacodemonLeader.

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