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simple game 2 (other thread is too big)

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man, 122 replies! wow. well, if i start with a new topic, it'll be easier and faster to read. here we go. from doom 1.

there's a cacodemon where you and your buddies used to play cards!

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I was hoping this "continued" post would come up. Anyway...

E2M7 - Spawning Vats

Oh crap...now I have to come up with one. AGH...um...does it HAVE to be from Ultimate Doom?

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elbryan42 said:

any doom. just specify.

...You find yourself in an underground area with a couple of imps and 4 slim pillars. You check the pillars out and something strange occurs. You then get confused. Is this a different room...or the same one?

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Zeratul 982 said:

...You find yourself in an underground area with a couple of imps and 4 slim pillars. You check the pillars out and something strange occurs. You then get confused. Is this a different room...or the same one?

final doom tnt map04 wormhole

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elbryan42 said:

final doom tnt map04 wormhole

Huh...It's the 3rd TNT map on the PSX version. Ok...you're right anyway.

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Zeratul 982 said:

I was wondering 8 switches in the entire level, or in just one room?

i assumed 1 room. remember in house of pain where there's 2 square columns with a switch on each side? there are 4 doors. the switches either open or close the doors.

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Club Doom.

Now my turn.

Also, PSX Doom.

Meet the cyberdemon, if you're quick enough.

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elbryan42 said:

i assumed 1 room. remember in house of pain where there's 2 square columns with a switch on each side? there are 4 doors. the switches either open or close the doors.

Yeah, and it's a freaking headache, eps. if you're playing NIGHTMARE! setting, and trying to quickly remember what switch does what while imps are respawning around you.

I've done it recently.

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elbryan42 said:

for the psx doom fans:

a maze with see-through guts textures.

Club Doom.

Dammit now I have that stupid rave music stuck in my head!
Must...turn...on...the imp's song!

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elbryan42 said:

a guess here... the marshes?

Close. You're there. If you're quick enough.

You know, this 1 minute posting delay is a bitch.

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Jayextee said:

Club Doom.

Now my turn.

Also, PSX Doom.

Meet the cyberdemon, if you're quick enough.

The Marshes...and I got the time delay error that time.

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Jayextee said:

Close. You're there. If you're quick enough.

You know, this 1 minute posting delay is a bitch.

Doom 2: Map32 - Grosse?

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I'll give you a clue, about the clue. You can meet a cyberdemon if you're quick enough. There are a cyberdemon, and a timed event connected, but not too closely.

And, it's the PSX version.

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Jayextee said:

I'll give you a clue, about the clue. You can meet a cyberdemon if you're quick enough. There are a cyberdemon, and a timed event connected, but not too closely.

And, it's the PSX version.

hmmm... the levels with cyberdemons...

tower of babel
the marshes
tricks and traps

none of those i think...

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Zeratul 982 said:


Fold? Is that giving up?

Okay, another clue. Do it quickly, in secret.

There's this one bit I'm thinking of with all these clues.

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Jayextee said:

Fold? Is that giving up?

Okay, another clue. Do it quickly, in secret.

There's this one bit I'm thinking of with all these clues.

Um.....Perfect Hatred? No...there's no timed event.

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Hmmm.... a clue about the theme of the section, maybe?


You WOOD be able to meet a cyberdemon, if you're quick enough. Do it quick, and in secret.

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Zeratul 982 said:

Um.....Perfect Hatred? No...there's no timed event.

can't be. they replaced the cyberdemon in that one with a baron of hell. even in uv. they also replaced the cyberdemon in the refueling base to arachnotrons.

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I have posted a question of what level it is to Lut, but no one seems to be in that thread anymore, so anyway I will put it in again:

The level I'm thinking of never existed in any of the alpha versions or press releases of DOOM, and it's floor texture is slightly different on Console DOOMs. It's an episode 1 level.

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elbryan42 said:

can't be. they replaced the cyberdemon in that one with a baron of hell. even in uv. they also replaced the cyberdemon in the refueling base to arachnotrons.

You'll be at this all day and all night, so I'll tell you. It's Twilight Descends - a PSX only level.

The cybie in question is on the Marshes level, which you have TO BE QUICK to get to, IN A SECRET.

It _was_ connected, but not too closely, like I say. Pretty hard when you have to think of two levels. I'll give you both the point, for saying Marshes - it was DAMNED close !

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