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Doom Wad Idea

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It might be interesting to make a wad that is a shifting labrynth. You create a maze that constantly shifts based on where you go. As you walk through the labrynth, you will be walking over linedefs that trigger some doors to close and new ones to open, changing the layout of the maze. The maze will be constantly shifting, revealing new areas and rooms. Your objective will be to find 3 (or 6) keys to complete the map.... sorta like finding the 8 oracle dudes in Commander Keen, episode 4: Secret of the Oracle ;). Or you would have to find switches which would open up new areas in the maze that would not be revealed by the shifting maze.

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Apparently some of the upcoming Skull Tag maps have something like this, although in multiplayer, using a technique devised by Michael Niggel.

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Guest stphrz'

I would hate a level like that. But that's just me though..

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Apparently some of the upcoming Skull Tag maps have something like this, although in multiplayer, using a technique devised by Michael Niggel.

Like "Hunted" on Plutonia. I think I'll make something like that for Underworld, only using more of the idea of "The Labrynth". (famous picture)

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stphrz' said:

I would hate a level like that. But that's just me though..

Map 9? of Plutonia woulda been cool with a shifting maze. The map with all the arch viles.

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Guest Liam the Bard

Only if it was really well done. I would like it to have 3d floors, lots of lifts and effects, and a lot of wide open rooms with uneven floors(lots of ledges), bridges, and multiple exits/entrances. A level like that with simply tons of hallways to run through with a lot of enemies would suck majorly.

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Apparently some of the upcoming Skull Tag maps have something like this, although in multiplayer, using a technique devised by Michael Niggel.

yah i cant wait too see some off the new skulltag maps, also you know if thay are adding any new ctf maps, i need to look at more doom ctf maps that are coming out to be inspired about finishing bluectf (witch i have been working so slowly on but over half done)

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If you're aiming for a "flat" laberynth then just play some Fortress of Dr. Radiaki and you'll see how HORRIBLE that could be.

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