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EDGE died on me.

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EDGE just died on me. I loaded it up a few minutes ago, worked fine. I shut it down and decided I was going to log on to the Internet, which I did.
I loaded it up just now, waiting for the Doomworld page to load up (comp was being slow and taking its own dear time) and suddenly I got a message stating: DDF_MainReadFile: Unable to open '.\language.ldf'
What does this mean and what should I do?

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It means that you've got the virus "SCBC.32". Only solution: format you hard drives and reinstall Windows.

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This happened to someone else here recently too and nobody know what happened, but I think in the end you'll just have to re-install.

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Did you try just restarting your computer and trying again?

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Yes, way too many times already. Doesn't do a thing. :(

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