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A new doom story!!

Guest ralphis

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You wander into the dark hallway. You look to your left, then your right. Anything could be lurking in the hallways around you. You step towards the teleporter with your partner behind you. you step on and they step on. You suddenly notice you were splattered into pieces. You die. Now noone can write stupid doom stories about you anymore. So no more, will doom story lines be written on the general forums.

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I don't understand why the black guys were able to sue Nicky if she didn't sign the contract. My favourite part was where Jessica admitted she loved the feel of a big black cock etc. etc. because it was so unrealistic. I give this story a D-.

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/me gives this 'story' a 6 thumbs down-F---
You don't know how to write Doom stories, so don't try it.

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ralphis said:

So no more, will doom story lines be written on the general forums.

At long last.

Someone open a fan fiction page for this stuff.

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DooMBoy said:

/me gives this 'story' a 6 thumbs down-F---
You don't know how to write Doom stories, so don't try it.

Let me ask you and cacodemon leader how retarded you 2 are? Don't you understand the point of a joke. I wasn't serious. Hell, i wrote a 13 page story based on doom and got a 99 on it. The only reason I lost a point was because of the swearing. I'm only in 7th grade.

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Lüt said:

I don't understand why the black guys were able to sue Nicky if she didn't sign the contract. My favourite part was where Jessica admitted she loved the feel of a big black cock etc. etc. because it was so unrealistic. I give this story a D-.

Oh, but how about the part where Dr. Mavielli feels the world throught the misery and rage of the Experiment 15? The writing in that part is just amazing.

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Guest fraggle`
ralphis said:

So no more, will doom story lines be written on the general forums.

i second that.

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Lüt said:

I don't understand why the black guys were able to sue Nicky if she didn't sign the contract. My favourite part was where Jessica admitted she loved the feel of a big black cock etc. etc. because it was so unrealistic. I give this story a D-.


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Guest Nuno Correia
CacodemonLeader said:

ralphis's STORY = SUCK


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