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Levels nobody knew about???

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I was just leafing thru my PSX Final Doom booklet, and I found something interesting. here's the quote. "..It's your job to battle your way through 30+ Levels..." 30+??? I was aware of only the 30. Are there some that I just can't find??? Everywhere on the net has only the 30 accounted for.. except for williams entertainment. I tried to find thier site and e-mail them.. but I got something completely different. Anwyway, does anyone know of any more??? If so, how do you get to em?

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Final Doom has 4 secret levels-2 for Plutonia, 2 for Evilution. I forget the names, but they are findable, believe me.

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we're talking playstation here, not pc. up to my knowledge, there's only 30 levels in psx final doom. it sucks.

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well. here's da deal. just popped final doom into my cd rom drive and looked in the map dirs. the map #s go up to 32. however, the map #s go up to 64 in the first psx doom. but only 59 are accessible. so, until someone figures out how to use the wads on the pc...

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Lost Soul said:

Levels nobody knew about???

They are in a place called d:\wauthor\ralph. 1000+ uncompleted crap wads.

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elbryan42 said:

we're talking playstation here, not pc. up to my knowledge, there's only 30 levels in psx final doom. it sucks.

Hmm..I remeber playing PSX Final Doom and I liked it, but I remember it being too short....

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Guest Liam the Bard
ralphis said:

They are in a place called d:\wauthor\ralph. 1000+ uncompleted crap wads.

They are in a place called Liam the Bard's recycle bin. 1000+ uncompleted crap wads.

I need to empty that thing more often.

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You still use the recycle bin? When I delete something, I *REALLY* want to delete it. :)

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