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Guest Lnpdac

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Guest Lnpdac

Why does nobody seem to use DoomED by Geoff Allen (I think thats the author)?

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I have never tried that one, but I am fully satisfied with DCK. It is a very, very good program for WAD authoring.

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Grul said:

I have never tried that one, but I am fully satisfied with DCK. It is a very, very good program for WAD authoring.

Well, one problem with DCK is it can't run in Windows 9X. I had exactly the same problem with the DOS version of DeeP. The other problem is that it can't handle all the new port options. Ben and I copied stuff from each other:)

DeeP and DeePsea kept with the DEU style only to make it easier to DEU users to adapt, however, Ben did a nice job on his dialogs. I don't agree with the way you have to select types, however, the basic texture choice dialog is cool.

I hated it at the time, but converting to windows was the best thing I ever did. Overall, it's so much easier to do things in the windows environment.

If by chance, you are a "DOS" person, then you are missing out on the window ports of DOOM (eg, ZDOOM) and all they have to offer.

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No, i am not a Dos person, pretty much the opposite. However, I am fully satisfied with what I can make with DCK and the Doom2 engine. It is mostly because I probably won't bother to learn all this new stuff. Then again, perhaps i will. The hell I know.

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I respect "each to their own". Please don't take this as a personal thing. It's not unusual for me to talk to someone on the phone (calling in) and find out they've never heard of ZDOOM (BOOM, etc). Then I ask them if they ever get annoyed at the "visiplane" errors?

"Yeah sure" they say. Well - that's one big reason to use one of the newer ports - freedom from some very basic design limits. Most people that are beyond casual editing (detailed designs) spend as much time on solving those kind of problems as making a level. In addition they welcome the freedom to add custom sprites without having to do them all.

Of course there's a lot more too.

Exiting to DOS and restarting Windows9x is not a pretty sight for anyone. It is natural to want to stay in DOS and use only the DOS choices available since it's such a pain to switch back & forth.

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The only reason I don't like the new ports is mainly because there isn't any really good DeHackEd support, as far as I know.. Yep, I'm sticking with doom2.exe...

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You can load a dehacked file into boom with the -deh parameter.

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You can put a dehacked lump into a zdoom wad too y'know. I tried it, it works fine. So much for your lousy dehacked support in source ports theory.....

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However, I tried using the hacxport thing in ZDoom, and the cheat codes didn't change for me. Maybe that's because I'm using an older version of ZDoom. I'm not sure what version it is. 1.18 I think.. Heck, I dunno...

The BOOM thing I had no idea about. I'm perfectly happy with doom2.exe. I need it for COMPET-N demos, anyway.. doom2.exe definitely has a distinctly different mouse feel than ZDoom. Oh whatever. That's it, I'm going to bed. :-b

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I still like to use the original doom/doom2.exe myself whenever
possible. I'm not really that great a player but even I can feel
the difference in the way the originals control compared to the
source ports. Mouse control feels weird in ZDoom even when I'm
not using mlook. Movement seems a little different too, but that
may just be my imagination.

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One of the reasons the "feel" of the ports is different is because they can be a lot slower (although BOOM is about the same).

The minimum system for ZDOOM is probably a PII/III 300+ and 64MB if you are running 640x480 and above - but that's mainly for big levels. If you have less there is a "sluggish" response factor. For the mouse, remember you can change your Windows settings for mouse reponse!

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Oh I'm aware of all that. The difference is certainly there. It's not even subtle, it's dramatic. My machine is capable of
running Zdoom with no slowdown at 320 x 200 so framerate isn't
the issue. It's not really worse, mind you, just different.
If you play Doom2 using the original .exe for fifteen minutes
then switch over to Zdoom you will notice the difference right

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Witty. Tell me something, are you always like this? I've seen
some of your comments made to other people on other threads.
Your condescending attitude hasn't made you Mr. Popularity around
here. A salesman you are not. Who do you think your potential
customers are? Getting people to pay for a Doom editor is tough
enough without you sticking your foot in your mouth every chance you get.

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  • 2 weeks later...
AndrewB said:

However, I tried using the hacxport thing in ZDoom, and the cheat codes didn't change for me. Maybe that's because I'm using an older version of ZDoom. I'm not sure what version it is. 1.18 I think.. Heck, I dunno...

The BOOM thing I had no idea about. I'm perfectly happy with doom2.exe. I need it for COMPET-N demos, anyway.. doom2.exe definitely has a distinctly different mouse feel than ZDoom. Oh whatever. That's it, I'm going to bed. :-b

1. Here's a list of Doom Source Ports with FULL (or close to full) DeHackEd support. It's off the top of my head so I might miss a few:

DOS: Boom v2.02 Legacy v1.29pr7 MBF v2.03
PrjDoom v0.1 rorDoom (alpha6) SMMU v3.21
ZDoomDos v1.17c

WIN32: PRboom v2.02 Legacy v1.28 glLegacy v1.29pr7
ZDoom v1.23b7

BOTS: DoomBot v4.0 Zcajun v0.99

UNSURE (not on my system anyway): ZDoomGL v0.4 glBoom (beta)


2. The "problem" with HacxPort.wad was that when I reverse-engineered hacx.exe to create the dehacked lump, I intentionally removed the modified cheat codes. If you want the 'Official' hacx.deh (complete with Banjo's modified cheat codes) then go to Nostromo's Official HacX site:

KISS Software

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stphrz said:

Witty. Tell me something, are you always like this? I've seen
some of your comments made to other people on other threads.
Your condescending attitude hasn't made you Mr. Popularity around
here. A salesman you are not. Who do you think your potential
customers are? Getting people to pay for a Doom editor is tough
enough without you sticking your foot in your mouth every chance you get.

Too bad you can't take a joke (about sheep that is).

Indeed, isn't your comment petty, arrogant and judgmental?

What exactly offended you - that I made fun of the sheep? Those who have an axe to grind do so - it's just the way some people are.

Why did you molest the sheep? Uh, you ask. You see, you make wild accusations based on your own discomfort. To accuse me of being condescending (just because I have a different opinion) is not very nice.

Lighten up dude, learn to laugh a little.

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Sparky said:

1. Here's a list of Doom Source Ports with FULL (or close to full) DeHackEd support. It's off the top of my head so I might miss a few:

DOS: Boom v2.02 Legacy v1.29pr7 MBF v2.03
PrjDoom v0.1 rorDoom (alpha6) SMMU v3.21
ZDoomDos v1.17c

WIN32: PRboom v2.02 Legacy v1.28 glLegacy v1.29pr7
ZDoom v1.23b7

BOTS: DoomBot v4.0 Zcajun v0.99

UNSURE (not on my system anyway): ZDoomGL v0.4 glBoom (beta)


2. The "problem" with HacxPort.wad was that when I reverse-engineered hacx.exe to create the dehacked lump, I intentionally removed the modified cheat codes. If you want the 'Official' hacx.deh (complete with Banjo's modified cheat codes) then go to Nostromo's Official HacX site:

KISS Software

What the hell is Vavoom?

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DeePTeam said:

Too bad you can't take a joke (about sheep that is).

Indeed, isn't your comment petty, arrogant and judgmental?

What exactly offended you - that I made fun of the sheep? Those who have an axe to grind do so - it's just the way some people are.

Why did you molest the sheep? Uh, you ask. You see, you make wild accusations based on your own discomfort. To accuse me of being condescending (just because I have a different opinion) is not very nice.

Lighten up dude, learn to laugh a little.

Actually no. Others have made humorous remarks about that sig without my being offended. In fact, that was the intent of it in the first place. You on the other hand did so without so much as a comment on the content of my post. It was like you were dismissing it. Like I didn't know what I was talking about.

I had another sig for a while : "What color do smurfs turn when you choke 'em?". Care to answer that one Mr. Smarty Pants.

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Sparky said:

1. Here's a list of Doom Source Ports with FULL (or close to full) DeHackEd support.WIN32: ZDoom v1.23b7ONLY PARTIAL SUPPORT: Vavoom v1.0

I have found ZDoom to have lackluster DEH support. There are noticable errors with it when running Aliens DOOM TC and WolfenDOOM: Arctic Wolf.

BTW, Vavoom? Huh?

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