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Yuppie stupidity can be defeated

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Scientists in Japan recently announced the development of a material that absorbs all radio waves, including those used by cellular phones. The material is inexpensive, wood-based, and comes in sheets similar to plywood. This stuff would supposedly make cell phones useless inside buildings that have it installed in the walls.

What're your thoughts on this? What would be the implications, both legal and otherwise? In the US, it's illegal to use devices that weaken and jam radio frequencies, but would this material fall into this category? D'you think there are people who need to have their mobiles available and active at all times? Discuss.

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Cinemas too. I like the trailers they show at the beginning of films where they use surround sound to make it sound like a phone is going off in the audience.

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Yuppie stupidity can be defeated

... but still it cannot be concealed.

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The government should force this material to be used on all car bodies, starting with SUVs. (Assuming my plans to get them all banned fall through.)

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I agree with Lüt and Fraggle. Thay should also install the stuff in schools. Its just annoying seeing Elementry schhol kids walking around with cell phones.

Actualy, its just annoying seeing anyone walk around with a cell phone.

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I would support the idea of making them mandatory inside vehicles, except it probably applies to PCMCIA wireless internet as well, meaning that it would be impossible to play ZDaemon while driving. Probably not a good idea.

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AndrewB said:

I would support the idea of making them mandatory inside vehicles, except it probably applies to PCMCIA wireless internet as well, meaning that it would be impossible to play ZDaemon while driving. Probably not a good idea.

What the fuck?

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Heh. I can just Imagine Andrew hooking up doom to his car and having it projected onto his windshield. All the cars become bulldemons and the pedestrians become imps. 10 minutes later, he's being arrested for 30 counts of vehicular homicide.

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