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I have v 1.0 of my DCheck program up on my maps page. There is a screenshot and some sample output. This is a program that analyzes the difficulty of a wad. It can check Doom/Doom2 and ZDoom. It prodeces several reports that can be printed or copied to the clipboard. This program is based on Tarin's ZCount source code. It is written in VB 6.0 and I have a link on the page for the runtime files if you don't have them. The zip includes the exe, dat file, manual and source code.

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Guest DoomSource

Please could you email me any SOURCE code in VB regarding doom wad editing ? i am looking for ages for a wad level viewer (like the one when you press TAB key in doom)

so please try to help me i followed your link http://members.xoom.com/rickclark / and its a dead end :((((

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