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Best Editors ever?

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Hello guys,
I'm looking for the best editors for Doom ever...
1.What's the best ZDoom Leveleditor and where can I get it?
2.What's the best Doom Legacy Mapeditor and where can I get it?
3.What's the best Graphic and Sprite Editor and where...?
4.What's the best script editor (ZDOOM!) and where...?
5.What's the best .deh file editor and where...?
6.And last but not least:
What's the best äh... don't know! Any other Editor you need?

I hope somebody can help me :-D

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Guest Fanatic

Look in the DOOM World files section. All the files are there that you are looking for.

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1.What's the best ZDoom Leveleditor and where can I get it?

ZETH? DCK? WadAuthor? DeepSea? Depends on what you like.

2.What's the best Doom Legacy Mapeditor and where can I get it?

Same thing as previous, go to the Doomworld utilities section and try some out.

3.What's the best Graphic and Sprite Editor and where...?

Wintex and/or NWT.

4.What's the best script editor (ZDOOM!) and where...?

Notepad. And ACC, of course...

5.What's the best .deh file editor and where...?


6.And last but not least: What's the best äh... don't know! Any other Editor you need?

BSP, RMB, DShrink.

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>>1.What's the best ZDoom Leveleditor and where can I get it?

Wadauthor is really good for creating zdoom maps, it even comes with an internal acs scripting environment.

Think deepsea allso has something like that but ain't sure :o)

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Guest nihility

i know it wasn't really asked.. but..

waded is the all-time greatest map editor..

it's the easiest to work with.. you can draw out your map
faster than any other editor i've tried... not good for
advanced crazy stuff.. but all-around best for the building of
your maps..

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