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deep water, colormaps HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Guest spacedog

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Guest spacedog

ok,so i've got my Boom deep water, all fine and dandy, and i've got my colourmaps nicely merged into my wad, but how do i get the colour to affect the water, the tutorials i've seen mention referencing the linedef texture to the colourmap name but i've no idea how to do this, any clues would be appreciated (i have Deth and DCK by the way)

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If you would use Zdoom, you could set the color of the deepwater by walking over a linedef or by an acs script by simply using the command "Set_Sectorcolor x,y,z (xyz are the 3 main colors and they can have a value from 0 till 255). You should try this! It's much easier and you don't have to create and to insert some silly colormaps! And also ZDoom has all the Boomfeatures and much more! Use ZDoom and get Zeth, the ZDoom leveleditor!

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Guest spacedog

well, i already tried zeth and i couldn't get a single map to work with anything, the zwadconv thing turned them into these strange spiderweb things, anyway i'm just trying to use the colourmaps that came with boom.
it's rather odd, if i change the colours in the BoomEdit map (the demo you get with boom) it works fine, but when i put my own map in the same wad then dck insists im using an invalid texture, deth doesnt complain but the map wont load at all. perhaps im doing something wrong when i merge the wads

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Wraithchilde

I've never had a problem just typing in the color lump name
using Deth. If all else fails, you can use Cled (BOOM util)
to change the name of the texture outside of your editor.

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