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Guest Epistax

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Guest Epistax

Ok we all know that F_Sky is the only actual sky, but there are those walls that can be used too. Could someone tell me how to put them in?

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Just select the Skyx texture from the texture list on your editor to use a sky. If you mean the sky windows, check the Doomworld editing docs. They have some info on creating sky windows and doors.

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Guest Epistax

Every editor I've used only has F_Sky1. No other sky textures have been allowed for ceiling/floor I've found.

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I am not sure what you are trying to do. If you want different sky textures for you maps you can use ZDoom and specify the sky texture in the MapInfo lump. The ZDoom editing package has the info on the Mapinfo lump.

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Map01-Map11: Cloudy sky. Map12-Map20: Smoggy city sky. Map21-Map30: Red fiery sky. Map31-32: Smoggy city sky. That's the way it works in doom2.exe. :-b

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