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Making bullet impact sprites go bye-bye...

Guest Nails

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Guest Nails

Know when you shoot the dbl-barrel and it makes all those little sprites all over the place where the shotgun pellets hit? Anyone know how I can make those go away?

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You could make a pwad that replaces the bullet puff sprites with blank sprites, but this will affect all firearm attacks (all 4 weapons, plus possessed guys/spiderdemon's shots too). I wonder why you'd want to do that...

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Guest Nails

Just so you don't think I'm some kind of weirdo, I'll tell you why. I want to make a revolver to replace the dbl-barrel since I want it to be very powerful. It's gonna look kinds funny when you shoot it and it has a bullet spread, despite shooting only one bullet. That's why I wanted to adjust the sprites.

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