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Segmentation Violation? HELP!!

Guest spacedog

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Guest spacedog

Help, boom keeps crashing the level i'm building (only in one place mind) with the "segmentation Violation" error message, Zdoom crashes in the same place but without any error messages. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to stop it? my level uses a bunch of boom features so i can only use Boom or zdoom (and the various derivatives of course)

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Guest Ty Halderman

It means you're really lame and don't deserve any real help :)

No, seriously, you've got something wrong with the wad, and the "Segviol" doesn't mean anything except that it trapped an out-of-bounds memory problem that would have crashed the old DOOM (and apparently ZDoom).

Send me the wad at ty@teamtnt.com and I'll see if I can figure it out. I'm in a basket-weaving mood anyway.

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Guest spacedog

I got it sorted, but i'm not sure how. I think it was i had a bunch of identical sectors, so i just merged them together. or mabye it was 'cos i used bsp instead of DCK's in-built nodes builder. Whatever it was it seems to have gone away and i've almost finished this damn level (i started it over 2 years ago) I just have to figure out how to make uv mode more difficult without being too hard
thanks anyway

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